Cancellation of Approved Transfer under Rule 38 Transfer of DOP (Department of Post) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Cancellation of Approved Transfer under Rule 38 Transfer of DOP (Department of Post)

 No. X-12/6/2021-SPN-II

(Personnel Division)

Dated: 03 February, 2023

Subject: Transfer under Rule 38 — cancellation of approved transfer — reg.

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1.  I am directed to refer to above mentioned subject and to say that it has been observed that many official(s) approved for transfer under online transfer cycle operated in September and December, 2022 are requesting to cancel their approved transfer.

2. Employee has been provided with option to withdraw transfer request migrated / registered on online transfer portal, Further, after provisional allotment on transfer, employee is provided with opportunity to ‘Accept / decline’ approved transfer. However, still employees are requesting for cancellation of approved transfer.

3. Sufficient opportunity is provided to employee to withdraw his transfer request, if he is not willing to avail it. Therefore, it has been decided that for transfers to be approved during March, 2023 onwards, if an employee seek cancellation of approved transfer, it would be deemed that he / she has availed one chance of transfer. This provision has also been included in transfer guidelines.

4. Therefore, all employees may be sensitized to arrive to decision of availing transfer registered by them on portal or otherwise and in case they don’t want to get their request considered they should withdraw their requests immediately.

5. In order to provide wider circulation, this letter is also being placed on India Post website.

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