Aadhar Enrolment and Update (E&U) Operators SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for Training, Testing and Certification
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Training, Testing and Certification of Enrolment and Update (E&U) Operators.
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No. H Q-27/06/2022-TNG-TST-HQ
Government of lndia
Ministry of Electronics & lnformation Technology
Unique ldentification Authority of lndia
(Training, Testing & Certification Division)
Dated 17th February, 2023
1. Purpose:
To define the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the training, testing and certification Of Enrolment & Update operators in Aadhaar ecosystem within the framework of Training, Testing & Certification Policy dated 02.01.2023 of UIDAI.
This SOP is applicable to Enrolment & Update Operators in the Aadhaar ecosystem.
3.Regulatory framework:
As per Regulation 25 of Unique Identification Authority of India (Enrolment and Update) Regulations, 2016 (No. 1 of 2016)
(i) an enrolling agency shall ensure that the operators, supervisors, and other enrolment staff employed or engaged by it are duly certified for carrying out enrolment through a certification process as may be specified by the Authority'
(ii)The Authority may designate testing and certification agencies for this purpose.
(iii) The Authority may specify the minimum qualifications required for being engaged for any of the roles in the enrolment process, the process of their appointment, and the detailed roles and responsibilities of such personnel.
4. Eligibility:
The minimum qualification criteria for an Enrolment & Update Operator is as under:
12th (lntermediate/Senior Secondary) or Matriculation + 2 Years ITI or Matriculation + 3 years Polytechnic Diploma
In case of India post payments Bank (IPPB)/Anganwadi Asha Worker - 10th (Matriculation)]
5. Procedure:
i. In order to become an Aadhaar Enrolment & Update Operator, the candidates sponsored by any active Registrar/ Enrolment Agency of UIDAI, shall be required to register on the link (as per the instructions) given under'Training, Testing & Certification Ecosystem' available on the UIDAI website (https://uidai.gov.in) .Any candidate attempting to register with incorrect Registrar/Enrolment agency combination and/or multiple registrations with single mobile/number/email-id shall be debarred permanently. (candidates without the sponsorship/authorization of an active Registrar/Enrollment Agency are not allowed to register).
ii. The candidates shall be required to undergo online training on Learning management system (LMS) portal of UIDAI (https://e-learnins.uidai.gov.in/login/index.php)'
iii. After online training on LMS, the candidate will be required to take an assessment test.
iv. Once the candidate passes the assessment test, he/ she shall undergo classroom training, provided by the Training partner, duly identified by UIDAI, followed by a 'Certification Examination'
v . For appearing in 'Certification Examination', the candidate should carry the original) issued from the Registrar/ Enrolment Agency; else the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the examination.The format of Authorization letter has already been shared with Registrars/Enrolment Agencies' (Annexure'A')'
vi. passing in the above said'Certification Examination'will enable the candidate to onboard in Aadhaar ecosystem as'E&U Operator'under the Registrar/Enrolment Agency (authorizing the candidate with a Certificate with three (3) years validity). ln case, the candidate fails in the said,certification Examination" there should be a gap of minimum of 1 (one) month for re-appearing In the next Certification Examination. Further, if any candidate, already working Under a registrar/ Enrolment Agency, wants to work as an Operator for a different Registrar/Enrolment Agency, then he/she will have to appear afresh for the Certification Examination, duly authorized by the respective Registrar/Enrolment Agency' every year'
vii once on-boarded, the operators shall be required to go for refresher training every year'
viii The operators will be required to reappear in the certification Examination, within 6(six) months from the expiry of the current Certificate validity. Reappearance and passing in certification Examination will extend the validity of existing Certificate for further three (3) years from its date of expiry. ln case, the candidate fails in certification Examination, there will be gap of minimum 15 days for re-appearing in Certification Examination.
Phase-wise re-certification of existing E&U Operators: For the existing E&U Operators in Aadhaar ecosystem, the training, testing and certification will be done In Phases, as follows:
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