RTI Act 2005 Best MCQ | Quiz Questions and Answers on RTI Act 2005 | RTI Act 2005 One Liners | Postal MCQ Set 86 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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RTI Act 2005 Best MCQ | Quiz Questions and Answers on RTI Act 2005 | RTI Act 2005 One Liners | Postal MCQ Set 86

RTI Act 2005 MCQ, MCQs for IPO Exam 2023, Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) on RTI (Right to Information) Act 2005.  PS Group B Exam MCQ. MCQ. SOP, Short Notes, PPT, PDF, Quiz,Online Test, Mock Test, Previous Questions and Answers, Solved Papers, Online Test. Best Questions on RTI Act 2005. Useful for Postal Exams/LDCE IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam/LGO Exams/GDS to Postman/MTS/Mail Gaurd/PA/SA Exams in postal department.

1. who has the right to information under RTI Act?
(a) Central Government employees
(b) State Government employees
(c) Members of Parliament
(D) All citizens of India
2. Democratic Republic was established by _____
Constitution of India
3. RTI means
Right to Information
4. RTI Act was enacted by Parliament in the ____ year of the Republic of India
56th year
5. Certain Provisions of RTI Act came into force on the ________day from the date of enactment.
120th Day
6. Who constituted a body to be known as “Central Information Commission”, to exercise the powers conferred on it under the RTI Act?
Central Government
7. Who shall designate Central Public Information Officers / Central Assistant Public Information Officers in all administrative units or offices under RTI Act ?
Public Authority
8. Who shall appoint the Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners ?
9. Which of the following statements is correct in respect of the meaning of a Competent Authority under this Act?
(a) Chief Justice of India in the case of Supreme Court
(b) Speaker in the case of the House of the People or Legislative Assembly
(c) President or Governor in the case of authorities under the Constitution
(D) All the above
10. What does Information under the RTI Act mean?
(a) e-mails and opinions
(b) Press releases
(c) Contracts
(D) All the above
11. A Public Authority is established or constituted by—
(a) A law made by Parliament
(b) The Constitution
(c) A notification issued or order made by the appropriate Government

(d) All the above

12. Who constitutes a body known as State Information Commission by notification in the Official Gazette, to perform functions of RTI Act?
State Government
13. Who appoints the State Chief Information Commissioner and the State Information Commissioners?
14. How many types of public authorities are there?
(a) State Public Authorities
(b) Central Public Authorities

(c) Both (a) and (b)

15. Which are the following easily accessable methods adopted by a Public Authority to communicate the information to the public?
(a) Newspapers
(b) Media Broadcasts
(c) Internet

(d) All the above

16. What is the quantum of funds of all Flagship programmes earmarked for updating records, improving infrastructure, etc.?
17. The Government of India shall earmark 1% of the funds of all Flagship programmes for a period of _______, for updating records and establishing the Public Records Offices.
5 years
18. What is the limit of procurement made by Public Authorities to be disclosed on implementation of comprehensive end-to-end e-procurement under Section 4 of RTI Act?
10 Lakhs
19. What is the frequency to update information on official tours of Ministers and other officials?
Once in Half year
20. Which of the following items may be disclosed under the suo motu disclosure provisions of Section 4 ?
(a) Information related to procurement
(b) Foriegn Tours of Prime Ministers/Ministers
(c) Transfer Policy and Orders

(D) All the above

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