PS Group B Exam 2023 Notification | LDCE PS (Postal Service) Group B Exam 2023 Timeline, Schedule, Vacancy and Complete Details - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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PS Group B Exam 2023 Notification | LDCE PS (Postal Service) Group B Exam 2023 Timeline, Schedule, Vacancy and Complete Details

Department of Posts (DOP) has decided to conduct the LDCE ( 19% for IP Line and 06% for Clerical Line) for promotion to the cadre of Postal Service Group 'B' (PS Group 'B') exam 2023 for the vacancy year 2021,2022 and 2023 on 12th february 2023.

F. No.A-34012/03/2022-DE

(DE Section)

Dated: 02.01.2023

Subject: Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the cadre of PS Group 'B' for the vacancy years 2021,2022 and 2023, scheduled to be held on 12.02.2023 - Notification thereof

Download PS Group B Exam 2023 Notification in PDF

Department of Posts has decided to conduct the LDCE for promotion to the cadre of P.S. Group 'B' for the vacancy years 2021,2022 and 2023, on 12.02.2023.

2. Notification for the aforementioned LDCE is enclosed. Application from eligible candidate(s) is hereby invited in online mode as per the schedule given in the Notification.

3. Circles are requested to give wide publicity for the said Notification.

4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Subject: Notification for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the cadre of P. S. Group 'B' for the vacancy years 2021 (01 .01.2021 to 3l .12.2021),2022 (01.01.2022 to 31 .12.2022) and 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023).

Department of Posts has decided to conduct the LDCE ( 19% for IP Line and 06% for Clerical Line) for promotion to the cadre of Postal Service Group 'B' (PS Group 'B') for the vacancy year 2021, 2022 and 2023 as per the following schedule:

Date of Exam: 12th February, 2023 (Sunday)

2. Paper Nos : Time

Paper-I 10:00 a.m. to 0l:00 p.m

Paper-II 02:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m

2. Applications are invited in online mode from the willing and eligible candidates for which link will be available at Hard copy ofthe application, duly signed by the applicant, is required to be sent to parent office by the applicants. For APS candidates, hard copy ofthe application, duly verified by the Competent Authority is required to be sent to the concerned parent Circle Office. 

The schedule of PS Group Exam 2023 activities (Timeline) is as under:

1. PS Group B Online application process starts from: 

04.01.2023 from 9:00 AM

2. Last date to apply for PS Group B online application: 

18.01.2023 upto 5:30 PM

3. Verification of details of online applications by Controlling Officer and forward to Nodal Officer duly recommended/ Not-recommended/ Provisionally recommended (on day to day basis so that not a single application is left out for verification): 

To be completed by 20.01.2023

4. Correction in application form, if any, by the candidate: 

To be done from 9:00AM on 23.01.2023 till 5:30 PM on 25.01.2023

5. Verification of resubmitted application by the Controlling Officer (on day to day basis): 

To be completed by 27.01.2023

6. Approval/finalization of online applications To be completed by and allotment of Centre etc. by the Nodal Officer: 

To be completed by 02.02.2023

7. PS Group B Admit cards available for downloading by candidates: 

from 03.02.2023

8. Date of PS Group B Exam: 

12th February, 2023 (Sunday)

3 Eligibility Criteria: - As per Department of Posts, Postal Service Group ‘B’ Recruitment (Amendment), Rules, 1993 dated 29.06.1994 (copy enclosed), the following categories of officer (s)/official (s) are eligible to appear in the above examination.

(1) For IP line quota (19%): Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendents having put in 5 years regular services from the date of joining in IP cadre as on the crucial date of eligibility for the examination of the particular year;

(2) For Clerical line officials quota (6%): Clerical line officials working in Post Offices/Divisional Offices with 5 years’ regular service in the Lower Selection Grade and above;

Note: Postal Assistants placed in the TROP/BCR and MACP scales, which are only Financial Upgradations, are not entitled to appear for the examination.

The provisions contained in the Memorandum No. 9-36/2019-SPG-I dated 26.12.2019 followed by clarification issued on 18.11.2020 are applicable on the examination which provides that where junior Inspectors of Post who have completed qualifying/eligibility service, are considered eligible for appearing in the LDCE PS Gr ‘B’, the senior should also be allowed to appear in the LDCE PS Gr ‘B’, provided they are not short of the requisite qualifying/eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying/eligibility service or two years, whichever is less, and have completed Probation period for promotion to the next higher grade along-with their juniors, who have already completed such qualifying/eligibility service.

4. Crucial date for calculation of length of service in terms of eligibility criteria: 

Sr.No. | Exam year/ period of vacancies Crucial date of eligibility.

1. 2021 (01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021) 01.01.2021

2. 2022 (01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022) 01.01.2022

3. 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023) 01.01.2023

5. Service eligibility conditions for APS candidates: -

Service eligibility conditions mentioned above are also applicable to the candidates on deputation to APS.

6. Pattern & Syllabus of Examination: - The pattern and syllabus applicable for the said LDCE for P.S. Group ‘B’ cadre has already been circulated by SPG-Il Section vide letter No. 9-04/2018-SPG-Il dated 05.09.2019, followed by letter No. 9-04/2018-SPG-I| dated 30.12.2019 which is available in the Employee Corner in the Department of Posts’ official website i.e. A copy of pattern & syllabus of the examination is also enclosed herewith.

Note: In both the papers, circulars/orders/guidelines/Rules issued upto 31st December of the year preceding the year of examination will be part of the syllabus except the

Annual Report and Book of information for which latest report and information available on IndiaPost Website will be taken into account for the purpose.

7. Vacancies: - The category-wise break-up of tentative vacancies to be filled through the PS Gr. ‘B’ Examination scheduled to be held on 6th November, 2022 for the vacancies of the year 2021 and 2022 are given below:

Examination for Vacancy | Category wise break up of vacancies

Year UR sc/ST | Total

Inspector Posts liné quota (19%) (2021+2022+2023) 26 4 2 32 | 21 03 04 28

Clerical line officials quota (6%) (2021+2022+2023) 7 3 0 10 | 09 00 00 09

#The vacancy position for the year 2022 will be intimated shortly.

Note: The vacancy position in the above table is subject to change.

8. Venue of the Examination: The Examination will be conducted at all the Circle Headquarters only. The candidates shall have to appear from the respective centre of their Circle only and under no circumstances, they may be permitted to appear from exam centres of other Circles.

Applicants, serving on deputation in APS, shall also appear from the examination centre of their parent Civil Circles. APS authorities will send the Applications of the Applicants, working in APS, to the concerned Nodal Officer of the Circle by furnishing the eligibility details.

9. Mode of the examination will be OMR based, and descriptive wherever applicable.

10. The Guidelines issued vide letter F. No. 29-6/2019-DD-Ill dated 10.08.2022 by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) and the guidelines for Persons with Benchmarks Disabilities, circulated vide letter No. SC-12- 6/2022-SCT-DOP dated 31.03.2022 shall be followed in letter and spirit.

11. The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) issued vide letter No. A-34012/02/2022 dated 11.08.2022 to be followed in the conduct of the examination at every stage.

12. The Competent Authority reserves the right to cancel _ the Notification/examination or re-schedule the examination.

13. This notification may be given wide publicity amongst all eligible candidates working in Divisions/Units.

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