POSB Mahamela CBS Finacle Instructions for 29.01.2023 (Sunday) - on account of POSB Mahamela EK DIN mein EK CRORE
Kindly refer this office Lr. No. FS-10/17/2022-FS-DOP dated 25.01.2023 in connection with "POSB Mahamela EK DIN mein EK CRORE", oral references are received from Circles in connection with the POSB operations on 29.01.2023 (Sunday). In this connection, I am directed by Competent Authority to clarify the following points, for further actions.
(i). In Finacle, Sunday will be marked as Working Day. Hence, there will be no need of second factor of authentication for login in Finacle.
(ii). After EoD on 28.01.2023 in Finacle, 29.01.2023 will be the BoD for Finacle Operation. Hence, Departmental POs after EoD on 28.01.2023, they can do the operations for 29.01.2023.
(iii). In respect of RICT, transactions are to be carried out only after DC closure. Accordingly, the transactions for 29.01.2023 should be carried out only after 0030 Hrs on 29.01.2023.
(iv). All the transactions carried out on 29.01.2023 shall be accounted on 29.01.2023 (Sunday). Hence, treasury operation for handling POSB transactions should also be functional. Daily Accounts will also be generated for 29.01.2023 (Sunday).
(v). Post office shall login to Finacle through POS on 29.01.2023 (Sunday).
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