POSB Maha Mela "EK DIN Mein EK CRORE" and SSA Amritpex Plus Drive on 28th January 2023
F. No. FS-10/17/2022-FS-DOP
(FS Division)
Dated: 20th January,2023.
Subject: POSB Maha Mela "EK DIN Mein EK CRORE" and SSA Amritpex Plus Drive readiness Review - reg.
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This is regarding POSB Performance and SSA Amritpex Plus Drive readiness Review of the Circles.
2. In order to give momentum to the regular account opening drives, it has been decided to conduct POSB Maha Melas on 28.01.2022 in the circles preferably in coordination with the local government organisations / representatives.
3. The Target of this Maha Mela is to open 1 crore new accounts throughout the country in a single Day. Top 5 performing offices at each level will be recognized suitably by Postal Directorate as per the criteria mentioned below:
PO Category
Minimum number of Accounts to be opened
BO - 500
SO - 1,000
HO - 2,500
Sub Division - 10,000
Division - 30,000
Region - 1.5 lakh
4. The top performing Circle in each category i.e. Large, Medium and Small Category (as per Coord. I O & M Section Ranking Framework Parameter issued vide Letter noZ-92/412022-Coord/O&M Dated 23 Sep 2022) will also be recognized suitably. The Report for 28.01.2023 to 30.01.2023 on MIS Dashboard would be considered for this purpose.
5. Circles may also plan to conduct competition amongst SAS and MPKBY Agents for their motivation and better results during account opening drive.
6. For better cohesiveness and synergy, a Review Meeting under the Chairmanship of Member (Banking) is scheduled on 24.01.2023 at 1500 hrs. Circles are requested to be ready with their Action plan for the POSB Maha Mela on 28.01.2023.
7. It is also informed that Circles' preparedness for 7.5 lakh SSA accounts to be opened on 9-l0th February for AMRITPEX Plus launch program will also be reviewed during aforementioned review meeting. Update on tracker be kindly provided for same. All HoCs are requested to attend the meeting. Link for the same will be shared shortly.
8. This issues with the approval of competent authority.
Daterd 23rd September, 2022
Subject: Ranking Framework for the Postal Circles wlth respect to Meghdoot Awards - regarding.
Hon'ble Minister of State for Communications had desired that a Ranking Framerwork based on performance parameters and due weightage may be developed for the Postal Circles of the Department of Posts for assessing the work done by them and to inculcate a competitive spirit amongst them.
2. It has been decided that there may be following three categories of Postal Circles based on the number of Post Offices. Top performing Postal Circle from each category may be felicitated Meghdoot Award.
* Large Postal Circlos (>9000 POs): Uttar Pradesh, Maharashta, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka and Bihar
* Medium Postal Circles (4000 - 9000 POs): Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, West Bengal, Odisha, Telangana, Kerala, Assam, Chhattisgarh and Jharhtrand
* Small Postal Circles (<4000 POs): Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir, HaryanqHimachal Pradesh, North East, Punjab and Uttarakhand
3. The subject matter of Meghdoot Awards comes under the purview of SPN Branch, Personnel Division. Ranking Framework for Postal Circles duly approved by Secretary (Posts) is therefore, forwarded herewith for information / further action. A Table containing Performance Parameters for Ranking Framework, Weightage and concerned Division is also annexed herewith.
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