Expediting Process of DPC for promotion to HSG-II/HSG-I/HSG-I (NFG) | Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) for HSG Scale - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Expediting Process of DPC for promotion to HSG-II/HSG-I/HSG-I (NFG) | Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) for HSG Scale

No. AIASC CHO2172022.23    Dated at Hoshiarpur HO the 14.01.2023

Sub: Expediting process of DPC for promotion to HSG-II/HSG-I/HSG-I (NFG)- reg.

Ref: DDG (P) D.O. No. W-18/2022-SPN-I dated 10.09.2022

On the reference & in continuation of this association letters dated 18.09.2022 & 05.12.2022, it is once again brought to your kind notice that DPC process for the promotion to the cadres HSG-II/HSG-I/HSG-I(NEG) is still under cold bags in many circles even though there are eligible officals against the vacant posts

2. Similarly, many officials of RMS side also have approached this association regarding DPC for promotion fo the cadres HSG-II/HSG-I\HSG-I(NEG) and the officials are deprived of the progress in Promotion, Due to non-Cadre Restucturing in RMS, the officials have lost the opportunity of higher cadres, Circles like Punjab, Odisha, etc. have not issued promotions to the cadre HSG-I (NFG) since 2013.

3. In the same line, orders for merger of PA. (SBCO) and PA (FPO) with PA (PO) has been issued by Hon'ble Directorate leter No. Q-25/11/2022-PE-I-DOP dated 16.11.2022 & 23.12.2022. It is necessary to consider interSe Seniority while fixing and to conduct DPCs before merger of SBCO & FPO with PO.

Hence, it is prayed to the Hon'ble Directorate that necessary instructions may kindly be isssued to all HoCs on above points atthe earliest

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