Non acceptance of PLI/RPLI proposals due to technical issues faced in CIS (McCamish in Post Office) 25-02/2020-LI
(Directorate of Postal Life Insurance)
Dated: 30.11.2022
Sub: Regarding non-acceptance of PLI/RPLI proposals due to technical issues faced in CIS.
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It has been observed that due to technical issues faced in the McCamish System during the recent periods, new PL/RPLI proposals/policies could not be timely issued/processed/approved in the McCamish System, resulting in delay in the approval of the proposal(s). Many Circles nave reported that due to the same, date of birth of some of the proposers, for purpose of premium calculation, has changed, resulting in increase in the premium payable by the proposer.
2. Considering the problems faced by the Circles, as a one-time measure, it has been decided to allow acceptance of such PLI/RPLI new proposals, where the date of birth of the proponent falls within and has changed during the period 29.08.2022 to 14.10.2022.
subject to the following checks and conditions:
2.1 The date of birth should have changed within this period when technical issues were being faced in the 'CIS' System, i.e. during the period 29.08.2022 to 14.10.2022. Thus. only those proposals shall be accepted where the proponents' age changed due to and during the period when technical issues were being faced in the 'CIS.
2.2 Second Medical Examination shall be conducted for the proposals not accepted within 60 days as provided in Rule 28 of POLI Rules 2011.
2.3 The Incharge CPC shall invariably ensure before acceptance of such proposals that the proponent is alive and has not undergone major changes in his/her health condition(s) or has not been diagnosed with any critical or terminál diseases, from the date of his/her proposal/ or medical examination till the acceptance of the proposal. To this effect, a certificate jointly signed by the concerned salesforce and the proponent(s) shall be obtained in such cases and placed in the proposal file by the concerned CPC.
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