Merger of PA (SBCO) Request Submission date is Extended - Instructions (Clarification) on PA (SBCO) and PA (FPO) Switch over to PA (PO)
PA (SBCO) cadre may make a request in writing to switch over to PA (PO) cadre, such requests can be submitted is being extended to 31.01.2023.
No. Q-25/11/2022-PE-I-DOP
(PE-I Section)
Dated: 23rd December, 2022
Subject: Merger of PA (SBCO) and PA (FPO) with PA (PO) regarding.
Download Instructions on merger of PA (SBCO) in PDF
This is in continuation of this office letter of even number dated 16.11.2022, on the subject mentioned above.
2. Reference is drawn to the para 1 (c) of Annexure - A of this office letter of even number dated 16.11.2022, wherein it has been instructed that
"In Existing incumbents of PA (SBCO) cadre may make a request in writing to switch over to PA (PO) cadre and such requests shall be rcceived till 31.12.2022. Those oficials of PA (SBCO)cadre who shall submit request to switch over to PA (PO) cader before the prescribed date shall be taken on the strength of the Postal Division / Unit where the official is presently working. However, such an official may make a request for posting in any other Division / Unit of the Circle and in such cases the official shall invariably be taken on the strength of that Division / Unit, if vacancy is available".
3. In this regard, the date (31.12.2022) by which requests can be submitted is being extended to 31.01.2023 to give some more time to the SBCO staff to take a considered decision to switch over to PA (PO) or not. However. this is to clarify that the cut-off date for merger shall remain the same. i.e. 01.01.2023. only the date by which requests can be submitted is extended to 31.01.2023. It is further clarified that Circles shall not fix any separate date, all requests received till 31.01.2023 shall be allowed.
4. Further, it is instructed that the existing incumbents of PA (SBCO) who want to switch over to PA (PO) may be allowed to to give choice for 5 (five) postal division/unit in order of their preference. such Divisions/Units shall invariably in order of Postal Division unit invariably include the Postal Division/Unit where the official is presently working. Thus, the SBCO officials who have already submitted their requests may give a revised request with choice for 5 (five) Postal Division/Unit in order of their preference by 31.01.2023. The Request to switch over to PA(PO) cadre is to be addressed to the CPMG (HoC) concerned.
5. It is also clarified that the orders dated 16.11.2022 are also applicable to the PA (SBCO) working in ICO (SB) and such officials shall also be eligible to give preference for 5 (five) Postal Division / Unit, which shall invariably include the Postal Division covering the geographical area where CO/RO is located.
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