LDCE AAO Transfer Orders 2022 (Promotion and posting orders) | Promotion and posting orders of AAO IP & TAFS Group B Officers
No. 301/08/2022/PACE | 3342 to 3844
Postal Accounts Wing
Dated: 02.12.2022
Subject: - Promotion and posting orders in the grade of Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) of IP&TAFS Group ‘B’ consequent to declaration of results of AAO LDCE- 2022.
Download Promotion and posting orders of AAO LDCE 2022
The approval of competent authority is hereby conveyed for regular promotion of the 231 (Two hundred and thirty one) officials whose names are mentioned in the Annexure A to this OM to the cadre of Assistant Accounts officer of IP&TAFS Group ‘B’ (Level 8 of the 7 CPC Pay Matrix - Rs 47,600-1,51,100) subject to conditions mentioned herein and to post them to the offices mentioned in the table in Annexure
A. The postings within the Postal/Telecom Circle will be made by the Head of the Postal Account Office/ Pr. CCA/CCA office respectively.
2. The promoted officials are hereby directed to join their offices of posting as indicated against their names in Annexure A of this OM not later than 30 days of issue of this OM.
3. The officials who have been allocated to DoT HQ are to report to SEA Section of DoT HQ, The officials who have been allocated to DoP HQ are to report to PA-Wing of DoP HQ.
4. In the event of an official not joining the place of posting within 30 days of issue of this OM, it shall be deemed as Refusal of Promotion and dealt with as per the rules on the subject.
5. No representation for change of place of posting will be entertained and no representation(s) needs to be forwarded. The officers may be relieved immediately by the authorities concerned to report for duty on promotion at the place of posting.
6. The promotion of officials against whose names ‘Provisional- Graduation status to be Confirmed’ is mentioned in the Remarks column of the table of Annexure A to this OM is further subject to fulfillment of eligibility condition of having a Graduation Degree from a recognized University as per Recruitment Rules of AAO dated 02.04.2018. Such candidates should submit a copy of the Graduation Degree acquired from a Recognized University (duly certified by the Head of the relieving unit) prior to the cut-off date i.e. the crucial date of eligibility to the Head of the unit where posted on promotion, within 30 days of issue of this OM. In case they fail to do so, these promotion orders shall be considered null & void in respect of such officials. If the proof of Graduation qualification submitted by a promoted official is found to be invalid at a later date, then these promotion orders shall be considered null & void in respect of such officials and further departmental action shall be initiated against such officials as per rules.
7. These promotion orders are further subject to re-verification of eligibility of officials with respect to conditions mentioned in Recruitment Rules of AAOs as notified on 2nd April 2018. The Heads of Offices, where the promoted officials report for duty, are to re-verify the eligibility of officials within one month of their joining. In case any official is found to be ineligible, the case may be immediately reported to this office for further necessary action. Departmental action may be initiated against such officials as they have submitted a signed Declaration in the Application Form of AAO LDCE 2022, that they are eligible as per Recruitment Rules of AAOs as notified on 24 April 2018.
8. In respect of Reserved Category candidates i.e. SC/ST candidates "Promotion of the candidates is provisional subject to verification of their caste status. Head of the Office will take an undertaking from the officers to this effect at the time of their joining and ensure verification of caste status within one month. After verification necessary entries may invariably be made in the Service Books of the officers concerned in terms of instructions contained in DO P&T O.M. NO. 36011/16.80-Estt. (SCT) dated 27,02.81, No.42012/8/87-Estt. (SCT dated 14.1087 and O.M. No 36012/15(22)/89-Estt. (SCT] dated 16.6.89."
9. The promotion of the officials as in para (1) above is subject to the condition that no disciplinary/ vigilance case of the types referred to in the Department of Personnel and Training OM No. 22011/4/91-Estt. (A) dated 14.09.1992 and F.No.22034/4/2012 -Estt. (D) dated 02.11.2012 is pending against them and such case, if any, be referred to this office and no promotion shall be made. Further, if in respect of any officials some punishment is current, he/she shall not be promoted/relieved on promotion and his/her case shall be treated as “Deemed to be under sealed cover”. The same should be reported to this office immediately.
10. No leave of any kind should be granted to the officials who are to be relieved under these orders.
11. All promoted officials, except those promoted from Group B (i.e. Senior Accountants only), will be on probation for a period of 2 years from date of their joining as Assistant Accounts Officer.
12. The pay of the promoted officers may be fixed as per provision of FR 22 (I) (a) (1) and are eligible to exercise option for fixation of pay within the period prescribed therein.
13. The official(s) who are already officiating in AAO cadre on local officiating basis may be reverted to their substantive grade before promotion to the grade of AAO on regular basis.
14. These Promotion Orders are further subject to outcome of the Court cases as per Annexure B.
15. All the Pr.CsCA offices may post at least one officer of AAO cadre to RMC unit under their control.
16. Copies of Charge Report may be furnished to all concerned.
(Joseph K Mathew)
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