IPO Exam Preparation, Books, Study Plan & Strategies 2023 - LDCE IP Exam Preparation, Tips & Study Plan 2023
Good evening, Friends, I am getting many messages and calls about books to be followed about How to Prepared for LDCE IP Exam 2023.So this Video is for such people. I am K Pavan Kumar, Inspector Posts, A.P Circle.
First thing is Books/materials to be followed to crack LDCE IP exam.
You might have not known that before 2019 notification, the most important thing in cracking the IP exam is collection of Books/material only, So if you could collect all materials then, 50% success over. But now because of social media all material in different varieties and its updates are in everybody’s Mobiles. But now the Problem is which material to choose and no time to study because of this social media only.
Though I mainly study Raw materials (India post web site copies, Swamy Publications), but due to hype in whats app I too bought one material from Senior Publications but it is not at all useful for the present scenario. I tried one more short notes from a friend, it was useful in my revision. And I read some MCQ materials from publications of retd SPO’s. Referring to postal websites like Ramakrishnay & Postalstudy will help you for some extent. So I can say no material in the present market is complete except Raw materials and your notes.
Then What to Study and How to study for IPO Exam 2023?
First of all you divide Entire subjects in all 4 Papers into 4 Categories like Departmental Subjects, Central Government Rules, Law Subjects and General.
Departmental |
Central Government Rules |
Law |
IPO Act, Rules |
FRSR (includes
leave Rules, Joining Time Rules, TA Rules) |
FHB 1 & 2 |
CEA Rules |
IPC, |
POG 1&2 |
LTC Rules |
CrPC, |
Postal Volumes 1
to 8 |
Commutation , CGEGIS Rules |
CPC, |
Book of BO Rules |
GPF, Rules |
Evidence Act |
POLI Rules |
GFR and
Procurement Rules by MOF and CVC Guidelines |
IT Act |
CBS Manual
Volume (includes all SB ,PM schemes ) |
rules |
Laundering |
GSPR 2018 and SB
schemes |
Welfare |
RR Act |
Annual Reports
and BOOk of Information |
CCS Conduct
Rules |
PCA act |
IT Modernisation
Project |
CCS CCA Rules |
Harassment |
Knowledge CBS, CSI, CIS, DARPAN |
CCS TS Rules |
CAT Act |
Constitution |
Financial Powers
Rules and Welfare, SDBS Scheme |
Books for IPO (Inspector Post) Exam:
For Departmental Sections , I strongly recommend to study only Raw material like volumes and FHB 1 & FHB 2 from India Post Website or Swamy Publications. But if I say to read all above topics from raw materials then most aspirants may get a doubt that when to complete all these books. Remember , all most at least 40 % we knew about Departmental Subjects na So if you study with Planning and intensity it is not difficult to complete with in two months.
If you want, you may refer any private material for revision or for MCQ practise only. Don’t go for all materials and discussions in Social media, they may not having quality in their preparation, so if they typed wrongly or put wrong MCQs that Wrong answers will register in our mind, that will reflect in our performance in exam badly.
Preparation for LDCE IP Exam
Planning should be like (Just for Example)
Date |
Morning |
After noon |
Evening |
26.12.22(Mon) |
FHB 1 first 50
rules |
Volume 5 1St
Chapter |
27.12.22(Tue) |
FHB 1 first
1-100 Rules |
Volume 5 2nd
Chapter |
28.12.22(Wed) |
POG 1 first 50
rules |
Volume 5 3rd
Chapter |
29.12.22(Thu) |
FHB 1 first 100
to 200 Rules |
IPO Rules 1st
50 |
30.12.22(Fri) |
POG 1 first
50-100 rules |
IPO Rules1-100 |
31.12.22 (Sat) |
Volume 5 4th
Chapter |
01.01.23 (Sun) |
FHB 1 (1-200 )
and POG 1 |
Volume 6 Part 1 |
02.01.23 (Mon) |
Volume 6 Part 2 |
Until Exam |
and review and
change as per Progress |
- Combined Study, Sharing of Knowledge will reduce Your time of Preparation. Ex if you two friends prepare FHB1 combinedly then you will study 1-50 rules in 1 Hr and Your friend read 50-100 rules in 1 Hr, Then You can exchange your understanding in 15-20 minutes so that 100 rules will complete in 1 to 1 ½ Hr and one Revision also Over.
- Split the Entire Syllabus into small Parts like keep Your Target to read Only 2 Chapters of Volume 5 on a day in 1 hr or so.
- Keep Daily Targets and review it Weekly for your progress in preparation and change your plan accordingly.
- Prepare your own notes so that all imp rules, list of Authorities, List of items involving Numbers (years, times, etc) will be with you in form of tables. This notes will become crucial in revision in last one or two days.
- Some friends may have doubts why to read all these Voluminous books and prepare notes, why can’t we prepare with material available in market ?? for those my answer is You shouldn’t prepare without missing any point in your preparation and that Confidence makes you to write the exam without any tensions and minimum mistakes that finally makes you Inspector.
Central Government Rules Section
Ø Swamy’s Hand Book (read at least twice)
Ø Still if you have time read all Swamy’s Publications
Ø Swamy’s MCQ books
Ø Swamy’s Mobile App for MCQ (available for almost all
Ø Previous papers
Ø No MCQ material available in Market I think as of now.
Ø Prepare Your notes
Ø Prepare stories to remember CCS rules, GFRs etc. by
linking key words in them
Ø Note imp GIDs and rules in FRSR, CCS rules.
Ø Read MCQs from reliable Materials.
Ø Though this part has little low syllabus and easy to read but in exam You need to pay at most care, Questions usually Confusing and ignoring small words like NOT entire meaning and Options changes. So Lot of Sufficient time will be available in the exam, so should not be hurry and should read the Question and Option twice before answering.
Law Subjects Books:
- By all Updated Bare Acts books (Universal Publication, Lexis Nexis etc)
- For IPC, CrPC, CPC, Evidence Act, RR act You may obtain Printouts from Internet.
- For Constitution, RTI, CAT etc Swamy Publisher’s Mobile app has MCQs.
- For Constitution Lucent Publication MCQs may be read.
How to Prepare IPO Exam 2023?
Ø This is Small and easiest Subject, But You need to
remember each and every Point Years, Sections, Rules, Punishments, fines etc.
Ø So you should read daily at least 15 minutes until the
exam to keep all these numbers in your mind.
Ø To remember all these numbers, you must prepare short
cuts/ Stories of your own or search in you tube or Google.
Like U Can Fly Directly From US to
UP to Meet Child of Shyam and Ram; Fruits Taste Sweet To Eat So Only Eat Maggi
As Tasty Snack (to remember all 25 parts of Constitution)
U – Union, C -Citizenship, F- Fundamental
Rights ,D- Directive Principles of States etc.
Ø Though this paper is easy and fastly can complete the
Syllabus, how many days you can remember, is the key role .
Stories, Short cuts Plays vital role in this Paper.
General Paper Books:
PUBLICATION or Arihant Publications 2023 book may be useful
Ø For
Current affairs depend on competitive exams website like adda 24X7, Bankers add
etc for the last 2 Weeks only.
Ø Aptitude and Reasoning – the Questions are Easy to
Moderate only , so prepare any CHSL or CGL material like Kirans, Arihant etc.
Ø English ---- it is a long process but what ever we can
do all these do we should do without leaving to God, like preparing Grammar,
Common Errors and some Vocabulary learning from books like English
Comprehension by ARihant publications or by Prem Latha Suri etc.
Ø Noting and Drafting --- You will find many books on
this topic form North India Book Stalls , I read one from BAHRI’s. or you can
find DOPT material also you will find in internet.
How to Prepare
Ø Those who have already prepared for some competitive
exams, then to them, this section is easy, almost no preparation needed except
in Current affairs but who are not prepared for any competitive exams must spend
more time on Aptitude and reasoning , English too.
Ø Noting and
Drafting You must practice some Letters and Syntax of Letters and take care
that the way some words uses in departmental Letter like “With above Cited
reference”, “may be” etc . Better Hand writing gives Better marks.
Ø In this section only you will find Lack Of Time. So
time managing is important that to complete Aptitude and reasoning must
complete with in time.
Ø Freshly started aspirant better not to go with Standard materials in this section, at this time.
General Tips for Success
To Observe the Pattern of Questions asking in Exam , now a days answers involving numbers are asking and more Practical questions and Updates in Dept are asking , so Prepare in that way. The exam can be said Memory Test , so spend more time . Consistency in Your efforts till exam Divide the task in to small pieces Plan it (On paper) , review it, revise it , improve Be in touch with aspirant who are preparing seriously Don’t go with many Social media groups (whats app , fb, telegram etc) Don’t panic by seeing many memos , updates in whats app. You always feel You are going to be Inspector very soon.
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