Inspector Post Exam Solved Question Papers 2022 - Download IPO Exam 2022 Solved Answer Paper II in PDF - Paper 2
IPO Exam 2022 Solved Question Paper II. LDCE IP (Inspector Post) Exam 2022 Previous Year Question Papers and Answers. Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) for Inspector Post Exam (IPO Exam 2022). IPO Exam Quiz,Online Test, Mock Test, Previous Questions and Answers, Solved Papers, Online Tests in PDF. Useful for Postal Exams/PS Group B and IPO Exams in postal department.
1. Whether a retired employee can commute his leave, which was availed before his/her retirement, after his retirement?
A Yes
B No
C Yes, if the said leave was availed for Covid treatment.
D Yes, but only in consultation with the DOP&T
2. What does not constitute a break in service for a Government Servant?
A Unauthorized absence during an illegal strike
B Refusal to work on overtime when such overtime work is in public interest
C Not reporting to duty after expiry of a sanctioned leave
D Resorting to a go-slow conduct of work
3. What is the amount of Scholarship granted to SC/ST employees for Departmental Examination for promotion to the cadre of IPOs/JAO/AAO and similar cadres?
A Rs. 1200.00
B Rs. 2000.00
C Rs. 1500.00
D Rs. 1800.00
4. What is mandatory annuitization percentage of the pension wealth on exit before attaining the age of 60 years?
A 50%
B 60%
C 70%
D 80%
5. Which of following is included in the definition of'Goods' in the General Financial Rules -
A Machinery Supplied
B Software for the operation of the Machine Supplied
C Services of Transportation and installation of the Machine supplied
D All of the Above
6. Ajay has applied for a leave of 10 days and avail LTC. He has 45 days of EL at his credit. In his service career Ajay has encashed 53 days so far. Upto how many days of his earned leave can Ajay be allowed to encash?
A 10 days
B 5 days
C 7 days
D No encashment allowed.
7. If a Govt.servant retires/resigns/is removed/ is dismissed/ dies in the middle of a calendar year, the earned leave credited should be reduced at the rate of of any extra-ordinary leave taken in that half-year and the leave account regularized.
A 1/2nd.
B 1/10th
C 1/5th
D 1/4th
8. The financial power of the Head of a Postal Division for hiring of accommodation for holding examinations and for other purposes e.g. holding customer meet etc is
A Up to Rs. 3000/- in each case
B Up to Rs. 5000/- in each case
C Up to Rs. 10000/- in each case
D Up to Rs. 12000/- in cach case
9. Maximum value of stamp to be kept in stock for Group 'B' Postmasters shall by fixed by
A Divisional Head
D Chief PMG
10. Is Non-Practising Allowance (NPA) which is payable to Medical Officers,taken into account for the purpose of working out contributions to NPS?
A NPA is to be taken into account for calculation of NPS contribution
B 50% of NPA is to be taken into account for calculation of NPS contribution
C 25% of NPA is to be taken into account for calculation of NPS contribution
D NPA not to be taken into account for calculation of NPS contributions
11. Which of the following is Nodal Agency for SDBS (Service Discharge Benefit Scheme), 2010 for Gramin Dak Sevaks?
A DAP of concerned Circle
B Head of the Circle
12. What is the rate of reimbursement, for children with disabilities under Children Education Allowance Scheme ?
A Normal rate without any annual ceiling.
B Double the normal rate with annual ceiling
C Double the normal rate without any ceiling
D None of the above.
13. Special casual leave is granted to central government servant for appearing in
A Civil Services Examination
B Staff Selection Examination
C Combined Defence Services Examination
D None ofthe Above
14. Upto how many days, an Extra-ordinary leave can be granted to a temporary Govt. servant having 3 years of service, when the leave is required for the purpose of pursuing studies certified to be in public interest?
A 12 months
B 18 months
C 24 months
D 36 months
15. Which rule, in General Financial Rule, lays down the provisions for date of effect of sanction?
A Rule 23
B Rule 25
C Rule 27
D Rule 28
16. Which of the following statements is FALSE with regard to Nomination in Central Government Employees Group Insurance scheme?
A A female subscriber can exclude her husband from her family for the purpose of CGEGIS by a notice in writing to the Head of office.
B When none of the parents of a member of the CGEGIS is alive, a paternal grandparent of that member can be included under his Family' for the purpose of this Scheme.
C The nomination made by the subscriber in favour of a minor brother would become invalid, after the minor brother attains majority.
D The nomination made by a male subscriber in favour of an unmarried sister shall remain in force even after her marriage and the insurance amount would become payable to her.
17. What is the penalty per day to be imposed against a Central Public Information Officer for giving misleading information? ?
A Rs.100 per day
B Rs.200 per day
C Rs.250 per day
D Rs.500 per day
18. What is the percentage of Funds allotted to Scholarship for handicap Children of Government Employees out of available fund?
A 3%
B 5%
C 67%
D 20%
19. In case ofan article received by VPP the amount is paid for the same to the and postman and the delivery of the said article is taken, which amongst the following is treated as voucher
A A signed acknowledgement of the Stock Clerk with either invoice or bill
B A signed acknowledgement of the Head
C VP cover together with either invoice or bill
D Either one of the above
20. Which rule, in General Financial Rule, lists the items to be included in the RFP from consultants?
A Rule 184
B Rule 185
C Rule 186
D Rule 187
21. How many days of 'Child adoption leave' to a female Govt.servant, can be granted, on valid adoption of a child below the age of 1 year, having fewer than two surviving children ?
A 60 days
B 90 days
C 150 days
D 180 days
22. Which among the following falls under Code of integrity?
A Non-disclosure of conflict of interest
B Non-obstruction of any investigation or auditing of a procurement process
C Allowing business transactions between the bidder any the procuring entity
D None of the above
23.For seeking information under RTI Act, 2005 the payment of fee by DD/Cheque/IPO should be drawn in the name of
A Head of Office
B The Accounts officer of the Public
C Appropriate Government
D Drawing and Disbursing Officer
24. It is the duty of the Treasurer of a Head Post Office to
A Take over account bags
B Collect cash from Postmen and window delivery Postal Assistant
C Cash receipts and corresponding vouchers from the counters
D All of the above
25. Who is personally responsible for all monetary transactions of the RMS
BHead Record Officer
CDivisional Head
DAll of the above
26. Which among the following is not within the powers of the procurement redressal committee
A To recommend corrective measures to be taken to the procuring entity and the bidder
B To follow the principles of natural justice
C Not to suspend the procurement process pending disposal of the application
D None of the above
27. How many awards are to be given in each circle for the children of Departmental employees for excellence in academic achievement for 10th and 12th Class?
A Three awards
B Two awards
C Five awards
D Ten awards
28. Under CCS Leave Rules an "Administrator" means
AOne who is Head of Administration in the Office
BOne who grants leave in the office
CA system administrator who updates leave record in CSI
DAn Administrator of Union Territory
29. Which of the following method should be used when estimated value of the goods to be procured is Rs Twenty Five Lakhs or above?
A Advertised Tender Enquiry
B Limited Tender Enquiry
C Two Bid Systems
D Any of the above
30. Which rule, in General Financial Rule, lists the standard methods for obtaining bids for procurement of items not available on GEM portal?
A Rule 156
B Rule 157
C Rule 158
D Rule 159
31.Head of Circle shall fix the maximum and minimum cash balances of --
A HSG I Post office
B Gazetted Gr. 'B' Post Office
C First Class Head Post Office
D All ofthe above
32. Limited Tender Enquiry is to be used in case of procurement of goods of estimated value less than -
ARs. 10 lac
BRs. 25 lac
CRs. 30 lac
DRs. 50 lac
33. CGHS rates for treatment of Covid-19 in private empanelled hospitals in respect of CGHS beneficiaries in a city shall be...
A as per the package rates prescribed by concerned State Govt
B the rates prescribed by NCT Delhi in case no such rates have ben prescribed by the state Govt. in any CGHS city
C Both (a) and (b) are true
D Both (a) and (b) are false
34. The financial power of the Head of a Postal Division to sanction expenditure on carriage of mails by modes other than rail and air transport, per month in each case, is upto -
ARs. 500/-
CRs. 1500/-
DRs. 2500-
35.Any information in respect of allegationsS of violation of human rights should be provided within_________
A 45 days
B 30 days
C 15 days
D 60 days
36. The Major Head of Account for Postal Receipts is
A 1001
B 2101
C 1201
D 2201
37. What is the contribution amount to be contributed by government in SDBS (Service Discharge Benefit Scheme), 2010 for Gramin Dak Sevaks?
ARs.200.00 per month
BRs. 500.00 per month
C10% of TRCA
DShall not be required to make any contribution
38. When procurement from a category of prospective bidders is necessary for the mandatory procurement
A Open competitive bidding is choosen
B Two-stage bidding is choosen
C Limited competitive biddingis choosen
D none of the above
39. In the cases of Medical advance paid directly to the HospÃtal for treatment of a Govt. servant, within which period the employee should submit the adjustment bills for final settlement?
AWithin 1 month from the date of discharge from the Hospital
Bwithin 1 month from the date of payment of advance to the Hospital
C within 3 months from the date of discharge from Hospital
D within 3 months from the date of payment of advance to the Hospital
40. An official, who is in pay level 4, can claim transportation of conveyance on transfer for his -
A Owned Car
B Owned Motor Cycle
C Either owned car or Motor Cycle
D None of the Above
41. Who will bear the cost of preparation of digitized cards and also Annual Service Charges of the accounts of enrolled Gramin Dak Sevaks in the Service Discharge Benefit Scheme (SDBS).
AGramin Dak Sevak
CDepartment of Posts
42. The method for selection/evaluation of Consultancy Proposals is-
A Quality and Cost based selection
B Least Cost System
C Single source on nomination basis
D Either of the Above
43.The periodicity of establishment review for HSG (1) SO is --
A One year
B Two years
C Three years
D Four years
44.How will the date of death of an official, who is on EXOL/EL on MC, be treated under the provisions of CCS(Pension) Rules?
ATreated as working day
BTreated as non working day
CTreated as a part of leave which he was availing on the day previous to the day of death
DTreated as a kind of leave admissible to him
45. What is the Rate of monthly contribution to CGHS, for employees drawing Pay in Pay Level-11?
A Rs.650
B Rs.850
C Rs.1250
D Rs.1200
46. The maximum period upto which Special Disability leave for injury intentionally inflicted can be sanctioned is :
A5 Years
B12 months
C36 months
D24 months
47. What is the amount of financial assistance given to Gramin Dak Sevak in case of natural calamities, fire and floods?
A Rs 4500.00
B Rs 5000.00
C Rs 3500.00
D Rs 25000.00
48. Statement (i): Jute, Unproofed canvas, mail bags must not be used for air transmission. Statement (ii): Blue air mail bags should not be used for surface transmission. With reference to the above two statements, which of the following is correct
AOnly (i) is correct
BOnly (ii) is correct
CBoth (i) and (ii) are correct
DBoth (i) and (ii) are not correct
49. Which of the following statements is TRUE, in respect of Commutation of Pension when final pension has been revised and enhanced retrospectively after commutation of a percentage of the original pension?
AThe applicant shall be paid the difference between the commuted value determined with reference to enhanced pension and the commuted value already authorized after receipt of fresh application from him
BThe applicant shall not be entitled for second option for commutation on retrospective revision of final orders.
C The applicant shall be paid the difference between the commuted value determined with reference to enhanced pension and the commuted value already authorized, without any fresh application from him
D The commutation of any further amount shall be treated as fresh commutation and allowed, subject to examination by a Medical board?
50. Advance Payment to a Private agency, in case of fabrication contract, shall not exceed-
A 10% of value of contract
B 20% of value of contract
C 30% of value of contract
D None of the above
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