Cadre management of MTS in Administrative offices | Seeking comments on proposed cadre management of MTS in Administrative offices - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Cadre management of MTS in Administrative offices | Seeking comments on proposed cadre management of MTS in Administrative offices

No. X-12/6/2021-SPN-II

Dated: 30th November, 2022

Subject: Seeking comments on proposed cadre management of MTS in Administrative offices — reg.

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I am directed to refer to the above mentioned subject and to say that MTS consists of two different cadres viz. MTS in Administrative offices and MTS in subordinate offices. It has been observed that management of MTS cadre in Administrative offices are being dealt in different ways in different Circles viz. in some Circles, reservation register 1s maintained centrally at Circle Office whereas in some Circles it is maintained both at Regional Office and Circle Office.

2. Difference in maintenance of reservation register in different Postal Circles are proving barrier for smooth induction of Technology in various aspects of HR Management viz. transfer under Rule — 38 etc.

3. In order to overcome difficulties arising out of above position and to bring in place uniformity across Postal Circles, following change in cadre management of MTS in Administrative office is under consideration:

(a) Total sanctioned strength of MTS in RO and CO will be added to overall strength of Postal Division located at RO/CO headquarter and reservation register for combined strength, 1. in CO/RO and Division will be maintained at Division only.

(b) Wherever more than one Division is located at RO/CO headquarters, decision on adding the posts to any one of the Division will be taken by CPMG / PMG concerned.

(c) Incumbents borne on gradation of MTS in CO/RO shall be interspaced in gradation list of MTS in concerned Division where their establishment has been merged, as per instructions on fixation of seniority issued by Department of Personnel and Training from time to time.

(d) Concerned Postal Division will be responsible for making recruitment against posts available in its Division as well as CO/RO.

(e) MTS presently working in RO / CO will not be subject to rotational transfer with MTS of concerned Division till their retirement / promotion, whichever is earlier.

(f) Posting of MTS in RO/ CO against existing / subsequent vacancy will be done in consultation with DPS concerned.

(g) Official once posted in RO / CO will not be transferred, except on his own request or in administrative interest.

3. It is requested to furnish your comments on proposed course of action as listed in para 2 above latest by 15.12.2022 only through eMail at If no comments are received by the due date it would be assumed that the Circle is in agreement with the proposal.

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