Amritpex Plus Program 2023 - Amritpex will be Launched on 11th February 2023 at Delhi
FS-1 0/50/2021 -FS'DOP'Part(1 )
Dated: 28th December, 2022
Subject: AmritPex Plus Program
Kindly refer to this office letter FS-10/50/2021-FS-DOP dated 12.12.2022 regarding above mentioned subject. As informed selected SSA beneficiaries along with their parent / guardian will attend the launch event at Delhi on during 11.02.2023. The details of beneficiaries whose account was opened during launch of event in Jan 2015 is provided in the annexure.
It is requested to kindly ensure that detailed profile (Template annexed) of all these beneficiaries be filled with further details be submitted to directorate on urgent basis by 30.12.2022 for further processing
This issues with approval of competent authority.
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