AAO LDCE 2022 (Postal AAO) Exam Results Released | LDCE AAO (Assistant Accounts Officer) (IP&TAFS) 2022 Group B Results Declared
No. 301/08/2022/PACE/3639 to 3741
Dated: 02.12.2022
Subject: - Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Promotion to the cadre of Assistant Accounts Officer of IP&TAFS Group ‘B’ (AAO LDCE 2022) held from 26.05.2022 to 29.05.2022 and 03.09,2022-Announcement of results thereof-reg.
Download LDCE AAO Exam 2022 Merit List Results in PDF Download AAO LDCE (Postal) 2022 Allocation List in PDF
The merit list containing the names of 231 (two hundred and thirty-one) candidates of AAO LDCE 2022 held from 26.05.2022 to 29.05.2022 and 03.09.2022 is as per the Annexure A to this OM. 2. The merit list has been prepared as per the vacancies notified in respect of AAO LDCE 2022 notified vide OM dated 15.02.2022 and addendum dated 23.05.2022 and in respect of the candidates who have secured qualifying marks (40 % in each paper for UR and 30% in each paper for SC/ST) and have been found eligible as per list issued vide Apex Committee letter dated 04.05.2022 and as per the AAO Recruitment Rules 2018. 3. Two vacancies of UR category for the year 2018 notified vide notification dated 15.02.2022 have been reserved as per the interim orders of Hon’ble CAT Guwahati Bench (OA No. 346/2021 & MA 31/2022) as well as Hon’ble CAT Lucknow Bench (OA No. 205/2022) dated 28.04.2022 and 20.05.2022 respectively. Filling up of these vacancies will be subject to the outcome of the ibid OAs. 4. The merit list includes the names of candidates (Marked as “Provisional- Graduation status to be confirmed” in the remarks column of Annexure A) who have claimed to be graduate but the entry of the same has not been made in their service records pending verification from concerned authorities. The inclusion of their name in the merit list is provisional and subject to confirmation of their graduate status before joining in promoted post within the prescribed period. The onus of the same will be with the candidates concerned. 5. The merit list does not bestow any right of claim to any candidate for being considered for promotion to AAO cadre of IP&TAFS Group ‘B’ Service. 6. The merit list is further subject to outcome of court cases as per Annexure B. 7. The merit list does not bestow any right or claim to any candidate regarding seniority relative to other candidates. 8. This issues with the approval of competent authority.
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