LDCE IP Exam 2022 Result Updates | LDCEIP Exam 2022 - latest Vigilance clearance case of APS candidates (Telangana Circle)
F. No. A-34013/01/2022-DE
Dated: 22.11.2022
Subject: LDCE IP for the vacancy years - 2019, 2020, 2021 held on 25th and 26th June 2022
latest Vigilance clearance case of APS candidates - regarding.
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1. This is regarding vigilance clearance report in respect of the candidates who applied/appeared as APS (Army Postal Service) candidate in the above LDCE IPO Exam
2. The latest vigilance clearance in respect of APS candidates (as per annexure enclosed). including the details of disciplinary cases initiated/pending /punishment if any awarded after the last date of application to till date may please be obtained from the APS concerned and furnished to the directorate by return mail.
3. The matter may be treated as most urgent, in the event of non-receipt of the vigilance clearance reports, results could not be published.
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