Enrolling FPSs(Fair Price Shops) as Banking Correspondent (BC) of India Post Payment Banking (IPPB) for providing IPPB services to citizens
No, 8, Cunningham Road, Bungalore - 560052
No. CFS/IT-02/26/21-22 Dated 10.10.2022
Subject: 1) Transformation of Fair Price Shops (FPSs) initiatives of DFPD, Gol — reg.
2) Enrolling FPSs as Banking Correspondent (BC) of India Post Payment Banking (IPPB) for providing IPPB services to citizens — reg.
Download FPS as IPPB BC in PDF
Reference: 1) DFPD, GOI letters dated 20.01.2022, 28.01.2022. 07.02.2022, 16.02.2022, 02.03.2022, 21.07.2022 and 03.06.2022 regarding Transformation of Fair Price Shops
2) MoU dated 24.08.2022 between FCSCA and IPPB.
3) This office even letter dated 01.09.2022
4) DFPD, GoI emails dated 07.09.2022 and 01.09.2022
5) Meeting held on 01.10.2022 with IPPB
This refers to the DFPD. Gol letters (ref. 1) regarding Transformation of Fair Price Shops which states as follows:
“Transformation of Fair Price Shops (FPS)” through initiatives such as to provide CSC services through Fair Price Shops, retail selling of small (5kg) LPG cylinders through Fair price shops, provide business correspondent (BC) services from Fair Price Shops through tie-up with banks/corporate-BCs, allowing sale of additional commodities/ general store items through Fair Price Shops, sale of other commodities/ general store items through Fair Price Shops, converting Fair Price Shop into ‘Public Data Office’ under the PM-WANI scheme and any other initiatives which the States/UT may deem fit as per their local conditions
DFPD, GOI have been sending weekly cmails (ref. 4) to the Department secking weekly progress and status of the Transformation of Fair Price Shops in Karnataka, The Department has already intiated to enroll FPSs as Banking Correspondents, PM-WANI Public Data Office, sale of Non-PDS commodities, CSCs. initiated with an objective to provide additional income and livelihood to the FPSs owner
To enable the FPSs to enroll with IPPB banking correspondent . the department has executed Memorandum of Understanding (ref.2) with the india post payment banking (IPPB) for enrolling FPSs as Banking Correspondents (BC) to provide IPPB serices to citizens. The Department has also communicated regarding the same fo districts/IRAs vide letter dated 01.09.2022 (ref. 3).
During the meeting held on 01.10.2022 (ref. 5), the IPPB the [PPB officials pointed out as follows:
The product categories of direct IPPB service which FPS owners can provide directly to the citizens using their smartphone and [PPB mobileapp, and its financial benefits to the FPS owners are as given below:
Each of the FPS owners will have to make the following initial investments to enroll and start providing banking services:
2.1. Android based Smartphone (1 no.)
2.2. “Aadhar enabled fingerprint biometric reader” with “USB to C-type / Micro-USB converter” (1 no.)
2.3. Application fee payable to IPPB of Rs, 1,180/-.
2.4. Stamp paper cost of Rs. 200/-,
3. The pre-requisites to enroll with [PPB are as given below:
3.1. The FPS owner should keep the following details ready prior to filling the application form:
3.1.1. Aadhar Card (Name and Address should be as per Aadhar)
3.1.2. Contract Details
3.1.3. Fair Price Shop address where BC should provide IPPB services
3.1.4. Latitude and Longitude of FPS (Use SAVE LOCATION GPS app from Play store)
3.1.5. FPS owner [PPB Account details (will be opened by IPPB at the time of onboarding)
The FPS owner should keep the following documents ready prior to filling the application form:
4.1. Self-attested copy of Aadhar
4.2. Self-attested copy of PAN
4.3. Selt-attested copy of SSLC marks card
4.4. Passport photos (2 nos.) (1 no. of application form and | no. for Annexure 3)
4.5. Passport photos (2 nos.) (1 no. of application form and | no. for Annexure 3)
4.6. Annexure-3 address and ID proof of FPS owner( to be issued by food inspector)(formal enclosed for reference)
4.7. Reference for FPS owner ( to be issued by two other FPS owners )(formate enclosed for reference)
5. Duly filled and signed Application Form (format enclosed for reference) Agreement printed on Rs 200 stamp paper, duly filled, signed, sealed and notarized. (format enclosed for reference)
6.1. Stamp paper subject should be “Agreement for working as Business Correspondent in IPPB”
6.2. first party should be "name of FPS owner"
6.3. Second party should be “JPPB Branch, <<District Name>>~
Now , it is required to enroll the fair price shops as banking correspondents at the earliest. for this you are request to communicate the above-mentioned details to all the fair price shops through the food shiresthedars and food inspectors and generate necessary awareness among the FPS ownersand citizens to fast track the rollout of the IPPB service. the Districts should Taine ata. and citizens.
To fast track the rollout of the IPPB services. the special Drives once a week on every Tuesday. For the Special drive the districtJDs/DDs should undertake the following:
1. Identify a conference room/large hall with furniture at the Districts for IPPB officials. district officials. FSs, Fls and FPS owners meet. interact and complete the enroliment process.
2. On Tuesdays the JDs/DDs, IPPB officials. FSs, Fls and FPS owners should be present at the respective Districts to complete the enrollment and training process.
3. Districts should update the progress of the FPSs enrollment as BC, in the google-sheet provided for the same.
4. All District IDs / DDs and [PPB officials should attend the weekly review VC meeting. The link for the weekly VC meeting will be shared separately.
You are requested to complete the enrollment of FPS owners as BC within 30 days of receipt of this letter.
Additional Dir (Vigilance & IT)
Food, Civil Supplies and°Consumer Affairs Department
1) Annexure-3 Address and ID Proof of FPS Owner (To be issued by Food Inspector) received from IPPB.
2) References for FPS Owner (to be issued by any two other FPS owners), received trom IPPB.
3) Application Form. received from IPPB.
4) Model Agreement, received from IPPB.
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