BPEF Demands for Five Day week for Postal Operative Staff | Dated 07.11.2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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India Post

BPEF Demands for Five Day week for Postal Operative Staff | Dated 07.11.2022


(An All India Industrial Unit of BMS),

Subject :- Demand for five day week for postal operative staff - regarding.

1. Central Government offices observe five-day week as mentioned in Para 9.2.1 of the 7th cpc report and the  commission has not mentioned about the working hours prevaientin various department offices  department / offices departmental post offices are functioning 6 to 5 hours daily for five days in a week

2. Almost all the govtoffices (both central and state) are closed on Saturdays Postal transactons pertain to savings bank booking & delivery of accountable articles etc are considerably low on Saturdays due to this

3. Services of our technical supports such as network, software and hardware are also unavailable as many such private companies extends five day week to their staff so postal operative offices are left in the lurch when such technical issues arise during saturdays.

4. Many Operative services require administrative sanction which are essential on real time basis for the effective functioning of office on field level, this  includes exigent leave arrangement of staff, administartive interventions for customer services deficiencies etc while these administrative office are keep closed on saturdays functioning of post office would only attract public ire and ridicule.

5. There should always be cost management analysis for any service for its sustainability, recently PSUs like LIC and Banks have already declared two saturdays in a month as holidays now moving towards declaring all saturdays as holidays.

6. We are now living in world of technology and it has ushered in era of alternative online services in place of many traditional counter services introduction of  core banking and core insurance services as only widened our delivery channels and major chunk of our customers are now techno savvy to use the facilities while our physiacal  service counters are remained closed

7. India post is still second largest employer in central government and majority of them are working in the operative offices, it is a fact that they are put to much strain to find time for  their family obligations, citizen centric duties and recretional activities, organizational professionalism is based on the saying "A Satisfied employee leads to satisfied customers"

Considering the above aspects it is requested to consider 5 days week for all the postal employees including postal operative staff.

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