AAO Induction Training | Course on Induction Training for newly recruited Postal AAOs (Assistant Accounts Officer), Mode,Objective and other Details
Department of Telecommunications
National Institute of Communication Finance (NICF)
Ghitorni, New Delhi-110047
No. 8-39/NICF/TAR/Ind. Trg. AAOs(18th Batch)/2022-23 Dated:23.11 .2022 (As per Annexure 'A’)
Sub.: Course on Induction Training for newly recruited AAOs.
Download AAO Training Circular in PDF
The above mentioned training course is scheduled to be conducted as per the particulars given below:
Duration: 8 weeks
Period: 12.12.2022 to 03.02.2023
Venue: NICF, Ghitorni, New Delhi
Mode of Training: Offline at NICF Campus.
The Annexure-A (attached with this circular) is in accordance with the list provided by Director (PA-Admn), DoP HQ vide his letter no, 5-13/14-PACE/Trg/NICF/Pt-V/199 dated 13.05.2022 for list of the nomination of participants.
Course Description:
The 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission has strongly recommended that it is necessary to build the capacity of all officers through Induction Training, before they are assigned anyresponsibilities. The ARC has also recommended that in addition to training on specific subjects,
emphasis should be given to courses that will orient the officers and staff to be citizen friendly andservice oriented. The recommendations have been accepted by the Government of India and the same thoughts are also reiterated in the new National Training Policy, 2012.
Learning Objectives:
Duties and responsibilities of the Assistant Accounts Officers in the Department of
Telecommunications and Department of Posts will be covered in the different modules i.e.
(1) Telecom Module
(2) Postal Module
(3) Financial Management in Government
(4) DDO Module
(5) Administration Module
(6) Government Accounting and Auditing
(7) IT Skills
(8) Terminal Benefits
(9) Office Management
(10) Commercial Accounting and
(11) Sofi Skills ete. All the above modules
will be covered in eight weeks for Induction Training of Assistant Accounts Officers (IP&TAFS Group ‘B’).
Target Population:
Newly recruited Assistant Accounts Officers of LDCE-2018 batch in Department of Telecommunications and Department of Posts as per Annexure-A.Last date for receipt of confirmation: 06.12.2022DDG In-charge of training = Sh. Abhay Kumar Singh (Mob: 8902000300)
Course Director : Sh. D.K. Singhal, Director (Mob: 9413974274)
Course Coordinator : Sh. Ashwani Kumar, AO (Mob: 9350977985)
Contact email-Id : nicf.moc@gov.in
1. Sr. DDG(PAF), DoP, CGCA, DDG(E & T), DoT and all the Heads of Pr. CsCA/CsCA,General Manager (Finance), Postal Accounts/Director of Accounts (Postal) are requested to nominate AAOs as per enclosed list only. one numbers/Mobile numbers and official email IDs of the officers
2. The contact telephone numbers/Mobile numbers and official email IDs of the officers nominated must be mentioned in the nomination letter to enable this office to contact the officers directly on all training related matters.
3. Nominated officers may kindly book their journey tickets in advance.
4. Accommodation and food shall be provided at NICF Hostel. A separate advisory shall be issued in this regard.
5. All participants should have government email IDs.
6. Induction Training is mandatory for all the nominated officers, exemption would be accepted only in special circumstances with the approval from Sr. DDG (PAF), DoP HQ, New Delhi.
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