Revised Financial Powers of SSPOs (Senior Superintendent of Post Offices) | Buildings Minor works which can be done without tender
No. BDG-99/72/2022-Building-DOP
States Division
Dated: 17.10.2022
Subject: Revision in Financial Power of SSPOs (Senior Superintenent of Post Offices) in Postal Division.
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I am directed to state that Directorate has observed that there is a need of revising Financial Powers of SSPOs for the purpose of building maintenance (minor work which can be done without tender) from presently Rs 15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand) to Rs 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand), in each case for speedy disposal of work. In this regard Heads of Circles are requested to furnish their comments, for finalizing the decision.
2. The comments may be submitted to the Directorate before 31.10.2022.
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