Revised Bag Pattern for Closing Parcels (Rationalization of type of bags - Business Parcel, Registered Parcel, Registered Packets & Speed Post Parcel) in Post Office (DOP)
F. No. 27-27/2021-PD
Parcel Directorate
Dated: 03rd October, 2022
Sub: Rationalization of type of bags for Speed Post Parcel, Business Parcel, and Registered Parcels.
This is regarding the functionality of “System Assisted Sorting” developed in CSI system to assist the Sorter to carry out the Primary and Secondary sorting work Parcel Hubs.
2. As per the Parcel Directorate letter no.27-06/2021-PD dated 26.10.2021 processing of all types of Parcels have commenced in Parcel Hubs w.e.f. 22.11.2021 wherein Speed Post Parcel, Business Parcel, Registered Parcel, and Registered Packets (RPs) are being processed in Parcel Hubs.
3. In order to process all types of Parcels in Parcel Hubs following bag closing patten is being followed at present:
A- Business Parcel, Registered Parcel, and Registered Packets
Post Office to mapped Parcel Hub- Separate TD & NTD Parcel Bags
Parcel Hub to Parcel Hub- Parcel Bag
Parcel Hub to mapped delivery Post Office/NDC- Parcel Bag
B- Speed Post Parcel
Post Office to mapped Parcel Hub- Separate TD and NTD Speed Post Bag
Parcel Hub to Parcel Hub- Speed Post Bag
Parcel Hub to mapped delivery Post Office/NDC- Speed Post Bag
4. Considering the operational work flow at Parcel Hubs and effective implementation of the functionality of System Assisted Sorting it has been decided to rationalize the types of bags closed by Post Offices to Parcel Hubs, Parcel Hubs to Parcel Hubs and Parcel Hubs to Delivery offices for effective operation of Post offices and Parcel Hubs.
5. A common bag type i.e., Parcel has been proposed to close all the types of Registered Parcel/Business Parcel/ RPs/Speed Post Parcel in place of existing Parcel and Speed Post bag type. The Parcel Bag label will be of 02 colors i.e., Yellow for Air connectivity and Blue for Surface connectivity.
The bag closing pattern (as per connectivity) with this provision will be as follows:
Booking Post Offices to mapped L2 Parcel Hub- Post Office will close separate TD and NTD Surface Parcel bags for its mapped L2 Parcel Hub. Here TD will be considered for all the Parcets to be delivered by the mapped delivery offices of parent Parcel hub. NTD bag will consist of Parcels other than TD parcels meant for rest of India.
Booking Post Offices to mapped L1 Parcel Hub- Post Office will close separate TD and NTD Surface Parcel bags for its mapped L1 Parcel Hub. Here TD will be considered for all the Parcels to be delivered by the mapped delivery offices of parent Parcel hub. NTD bag will consist of Parcels other than TD parcels meant for rest of India.
L2 Parcel Hub- Origin L2 Parcel Hub will close Surface Parcel bag for mapped delivery Post offices, mapped L1 Parcel Hub, and L2 Parcel Hubs within the Circle. If there is any L1/L2 Parcel Hub within the Circle where Air Connectivity is being given for Speed Post Parcels, Surface Parcel bag including Registered Parcel/Business Parcel/RPs and Air Parcel bag including Speed Post Parcel will be closed separately.
L1 Parcel Hub- L1 Parcel Hub will close Parcel bags in following manner:
(a) Surface Parcel bag will be closed for its mapped delivery Post Offices/NDCs, all L2 Parcel Hubs and L1 Parcel Hubs within the Circle. If there is any L1/L2 Parcel Hub within the Circle where Air Connectivity is being given for Speed Post Parcels, Surface Parcel bag including Registered Parcel/Business Parcel/RPs and Air Parcel bag including Speed Post Parcel will be closed separately.
(b) Circle will review the transmission arrangement from L1 Parcel Hubs within the Circle to Other L1 Parcel Hubs outside the Circle based on transmission mode i.e., Air or Surface and identify the L1 Parcel Hubs outside the Circle connected through (i) Air and Surface both (ii) Surface Only.
(c) L1 Parcel Hubs outside the Circle where connectivity is through both Air and Surface (RTN/Section/MMS):
(i) Surface Parcel bag including Business Parcel/Registered Parcel/Registered Packets will be closed.
(ii) Air Parcel Bag including Speed Post Parcel & Registered Parcel Paid with Air Surcharge will be closed.
(d) L1 Parcels Hubs outside the Circle where connectivity is through Surface only (RTN/Section/MMS), Surface Parcel bag including Business Parcel/Registered Parcel/Registered Parcel will be closed.
V. Delivery Offices/NDC - Delivery Post Offices/NDCs will close separate TD and urface Parcel bags for RTS/Redirected parcels as mentioned in Para 5(I)
VI. BNPL/BPC with Direct bag closing facility- These offices will close Surface Parcel bags for all its mapped delivery Post Offices/NDCs, L1/L2 Parcel Hubs within the Circle. Circle will review the mail arrangement from this facility to L1/L2 Parcel Hubs located with the Circle and Other L1 Parcel Hubs outside the Circle and manage the type of parcel Bag to be closed for L1/L2 Parcel Hub i.e., Air/Surface based on the connectivity. Surface Parcel bag including Registered Parcel/Business Parcel/RPs and Air Parcel bag including Speed Post Parcel will be closed separately.
6. Detailed SOP for closing of Air/Surface bags based on the connectivity and as per above pattern is also attached as Annexure for reference for field offices. Process flow for Bag receipt, bag opening, primary sorting, secondary sorting, bag closing and bag dispatch is also attached as Annexure-l to assist the Parcel Hubs staff.
7. It is requested that instructions may be issued to all Incharge/ Supervisor of the operative offices to so that the new bag closing pattern may be implemented. Further, it is also requested that the Yellow Parcel Bag label with Parcel Barcode series is also required to be arranged by the Circle/Region/Division to its Parcel Hubs.
For any query of clarification please write to Parcel Directorate on or .
Revised Bag pattern will be commenced w.e.f. 07.10.2022.
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