Recruitment Mission Plan event will be inagurated on 22nd October 2022 by Prime Minister (PM) of India for DOP (Department Of Posts) & Railways
Prime Minister of India is going to Inagurate a Programe on Recruitment Mission Plan on 22nd October 2022. The Department of Posts (DOP) & Railways are organizing events in 50 Centres across country to issue Appointment Order Letters to New Appointees through (digital/e-mail/post etc.).
Download DOP and Railways Recruitment Mission Plan in PDF
• The candidates to whom appointment letters are to be handed over physically by the dignitary, may be advised to report to the venue at 9:30 A.M.
• They should carry an identity card.
• Prior confirmation may be obtained from the candidates about their participation.
• Function can begin at 10:30 AM with welcome of Dignitary /Chief Guest
• PM's programme to begin at 11:00AM.
• All appointment orders to be issued by respective appointing authorities by' all means (digital/e-mail/post etc.) after the Prime Minister's programme.
• It may be informed to all the new appointees that their appointment orders will be sent over on their registered e-mail IDs/address following the Prime Minister's event.
The Venue for Departmental Event organized on 22-10-2022 in connection Recruitment Mission Plan is furnished below: Jnana Jyothi Auditorium Central College Campus 11, Palace Road, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi Bengaluru - 560 001 As per orders of the Competent Authority, following instructions are issued to be followed for smooth functioning and successful holding of the Departmental Event organi.zed on 22-10-2022 (Saturday)
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