Proposal for unification/merger of PA (CO/RO) / (FPO) with PA (PO) | Meeting Notice to Secretary General NFPE & FNPO
No. Q-25/11/2022-PE-I-DOP
Dated: 19th October, 2022
(i) The Secretary General,
National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE),
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building,
New Delhi — 110001
(ii) The Secretary General,
Federation of National Postal Organisations (FNPO),
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi — 110001
Subject: Meeting Notice in connection with proposal for unification/merger of PA (CO/RO) / (FPO) with PA (PO).
This is to inform that a meeting is scheduled to be held on 01.11.2022 at 11:00 am in Sh. K. R. Murthy Room, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi in connection with proposal for unification/merger of PA (CO/RO) / (FPO) with PA (PO).
2. Therefore, it is requested that 1 (One) representative from your Federation, i.e. Secretary General and 1 (One) representative from Federation’s affiliated Union/Association of Administrative Offices’ Employees may attend the same on the scheduled date and time.
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