Grant of Non Functional Up gradation (NFG) (Gp 5400/- in Level-9) to Postal AAOs on completion of Four years of regular service in AAO cadre. - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Grant of Non Functional Up gradation (NFG) (Gp 5400/- in Level-9) to Postal AAOs on completion of Four years of regular service in AAO cadre.

File No 38 (1)/2022/PA Admn 3579-365

Postal Accounts Wing,

Dated 10.10.2022

Sub:- Implementations of recommendations of 7th CPC- Para 11.12.140 - Grant of Non-Functional Up gradation (Gp 5400/- in Level-9) to AAOs on completion of Four years of regular service in AAO cadre.

Download Grant of NFU to Postal AAO in PDF

I am directed to convey the decision of Competent Authority to authorize the Unit Heads for constitution of a local level Departmental Screening Committee (DSC) in their offices, for examining the cases of AAO for grant of Non-Functional Up-gradation from now onwards & send their recommendations to this office for further approval of appointing Authority i.e. Member (F), DCC.

A The constitution of the committee will be as under:

i) The Chairman of the Committee should not be below the rank of JAG level.

ii) The Committee should comprise at least 2 members (not below the rank of Accounts Officer) other than Chairman.

iii) The Committee should examine each case in the light of guidelines issued vide MoF OM dated 18.06.2018 & this office OM dated 11.12.2018 & 25.06.2019 (enclosed).

iv) A prescribed proforma for checking/submitting the details of the eligible AAOs before the aforesaid Committee is enclosed as Annexure A.

B. Further, the Competent Authority has approved the following action plan:

(i) Constitute the Departmental Screening Committee as per Para-A above.

(ii) Convene a meeting for consideration of Non-Functional-Up-Gradation of AAOs who has completed/would be completing 4 years of regular service in level-8 as on 01.01.2023.

(iii) Submit the recommendation of the Committee to this office latest by 20.10.2022 along-with the Annexure -A for approval of the Cadre Controlling Authority i.e. Member (F) via email on and also through registered post.

This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

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