DOPT OM On Implementation of second penalty imposed during the currency of first penalty | Dated 28th October 2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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DOPT OM On Implementation of second penalty imposed during the currency of first penalty | Dated 28th October 2022

No. 11012/4 1/2018-Estt.A-III

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

Department of Personnel & Training

(Establishment A-III Desk)

Dated 28th October, 2022


Subject: implementation of second penalty imposed during the currency of first penalty — regarding

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It has come to the notice of this Department that the Departments are facing difficulties in implementation of second penalty (or multiple penalties) on serving charged officers during the currency of first penalty.

2. The issue has been considered in this Department and it has been decided that all the Disciplinary Authorities should clearly indicate in the punishment order whether the two penalties (or multiple penalties) would run concurrently or consecutively, while awarding second or subsequent penalties during the currency of earlier penalty/penalties. It is, however, clarified that where, such a specific mention has not been made, the two/ all penalties should run concurrently and the higher penalty, even though ordered later, should be implemented immediately and after expiry of its period, if the currency of the period of earlier punishment still continues, the same may be implemented for the balance period. In this context, a few illustrations are also annexed for ease of comprehension.

3. Minisiries/ Departments are requested to ensure that these instructions are conveyed to all concerned.

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