SOP for System Generated Bag Barcode in DOP | Post Office SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for Automatic System Generated Bag Barcode Label - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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SOP for System Generated Bag Barcode in DOP | Post Office SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for Automatic System Generated Bag Barcode Label

SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for System Generated Bag Barcode in DOP. Post Office SOP for Automatic System Generated Bag Barcode Label. Barcode may be generated automatically through CSI SAP POS/IPVS System.

Download DOP System Generated Barcode SOP in PDF

 1. Introduction:-

Automatic Bag Barcode generation at the time of Bag close. Bag close can be done by using the preprinted bag label or system will generate the bag label at the time of Bag close.

2. General Conditions for Automatic Bag Barcode Generation

i. Functionality of automatic bag barcode generation through system is available in SAP IPVS i.e. in RMS Office (NSH/ICH, CRCs, Parcel Hubs, TMOs, Mail Agency). Functionality will be rolled out in POS (Post offices, BNPL, BPCs, etc.) in second phase.

ii. Paper settings of Thermal Printer (length & breadth of paper) should be set appropriately, to ensure generation of bag barcode of proper size.

iii. Paper Roll for Thermal Printer

a. Dimension of each sticker in Paper Roll — 12 cm X 7 cm

b. GSM - 130

3. Process

Automatic bag barcode generation functionality will be available only for bag close transaction

After scanning the required articles in bag close transaction, Please select Finish button

The below screen after hitting finish button

We have option lo close bag manually/Preprinted bag label or close through generate barcode and close

Don't enter Bag ld on the screen if you choose to generate automatic bag barcode.

Enter Bag weight and click on Generate Barepde and close to close the bag .

lf there is any weight mismatch system will throw a popup message on to the screen as per the existing functionality

Please select the yes or no to continue, lf answer is yes then the system will generate the barcode and display on the screen

Along with generated barcode, system also downloads Article manilest PDF and BAG label PDF

Open Article manifest which is prompted as show in above snap

Once the article rnanifest is opened , System prompts for Bag label PDF as shown below

Bag label will be downloaded as shown below

Additionally user can be able to download the Bag Labelfrom IPVS screen as shown below

Povide the facility ID, date and click on search as per below screen shot

After search , Screen displays the bag numbers which are closed in that facility

Please choose the Bag id from the below list and provide it on the Bag id input field and click on preview & Print

Bag labelwill be printed as below

4. Atfixing ot Automatic generated Bag Label on Blank Bag Label

i. MTS staff to pick one blank bag label

ii. MTS statf should detach automatically generated bag labelfrom the Thermal printer

iii. MTS staff to affix the generated bag labelon the blank bag label

iv. Back side of the bag label should also be affixed with the date stamp of the origin RMS office

v. The bag label should be fastened on the designated bag in the usual manner after inserting the article manifest inside the bag

Bag Barcode Specifications:

Dimensions in above example is illustrative only. Bag Label should be in the

dimension of 14 cm X 8 cm.

The Label should be printed on 350 GSM paper.

The eyelet should have a sufficiently big outer ring (so that a plastic tag could fit in) and should be strong enough to bear multiple handling in the process.

A colour strip on the top of bag label may be provided, as per the prescribed bag type as indicated below:

a) Speed Post - Orange

b) Registered Post - Green

c) Parcel - Yellow

d) Unregistered Bag - Red

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