SOP for handling McCamish CIS (Core Insurance Solution) Technical Issues in Post Office | Alternate Manual Solution support by CEPT
File No. PLI-56/2/2022-PLI-DOP
Directorate of Postal Life Insurance
Dated 09-09-2022
Subject: SOP for handling CIS in reference to Technical Issues -reg
Download SOP for Handling McCamish Technical Issues in PDF
Due to intermittent problems being faced in the field in reference to Batch Process of the “CIS”, as an interim measure, the following measures are prescribed for handling such cases as detailed in Annexure-l.
2. The CEPT team will extend the required support to the field offices in the implementation of the above solution.
3. This may kindly be circulated to respective Post Offices under your jurisdiction for implementation till further orders.
4. This will be effective immediately and shall remain in force till the resolution of the technical glitch.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
Annexure -I
Alternate Manual Solution
Issue:- Non-generation of Acceptance Letter, Premium Receipt Book (PRB), Welcome letter, and Policy Bond for New Proposal
Solution :
On approval of the proposal request, Policy details viz Policy No., Date of Issue, Date of Maturity, Age at entry, etc can be ascertained from the Policy Search Menu (through Proposal No.) of McCamish.
Using these above details, CPCs may issue manual acceptance letters, PRB, and Welcome Letter to the insurant.
On the restoration of regular services, CPCs will get requisite letters/Policy Bond printed through Bulk Print utility/ File net and Policy Bond to be issued to the Insurant.
CPCs have to maintain a manual register during this period in the form of a “Manual Policy Register” in the prescribed format as appended below for the purpose of record and future reference (Below Format).
Issue:- Non-disbursement of Claims
Important Points for alternate Solution:
Loan Requests should not be paid manually. Insurants should be made aware of the slight delay in the settlement of Loan Requests.
Paid to Date (PTD) of all new claim requests should be up to date. So that correct calculations can be done by the system.
Financial Requests such as Commutation, Conversion, Assignment, or reassignment should be kept on hold till the restoration of regular services.
The process should be followed with utmost care against double payments.
Alternate Solution:
a. Existing pending claim requests except for Loan with Disbursement mode selected as “EFT-POSB”
b. On Approval of the request, the amount of the claim can be ascertained from the request ID field of the Policy. However, the basic calculation of the claim amount based on the sum assured of the policy needs to be validated by the Quality Checker and Approver.
c. CEPT will stop the “EFT-POSB” batch till further orders and CPCs to disburse the claim amount through Cheque only.
d. Amanual Sanction letter should be issued with payment mode “Cheque” in triplicate as per the procedure.
e. On the restoration of regular services, the circle will consolidate all such manual disbursements where the disbursement mode was selected as “EFT POSB” from respective CPCs under their jurisdiction as per the prescribed register and will send the details to CEPT to update the disbursement stage.
b. Existing pending claim request except for Loan with Disbursement mode as “Cheque”
On Approval of the request, the amount of the claim can be ascertained from the request ID field of the Policy. However, the basic calculation of the claim amount based on the sum assured of the policy needs to be validated by the Quality Checker and Approver.
A manual Sanction letter should be issued with payment mode “Cheque” in triplicate as per the procedure. Guard against double payment should be ensured
On the restoration of regular services, CPCs have to update the pending disbursement stages in the system as per the details updated in the manual register.
c. New Claim request except for Loan:
Newrequests should be indexed in the system with Disbursement mode as “Cheque” only. No disbursement should be indexed in the system through “EFT-POSB?” till further order.
The user will Index the request as per the existing procedure.
On Approval of the request, the amount of the claim can be ascertained from the request ID field of the Policy. However, the basic calculation of the claim amount based on the sum assured of the policy needs to be validated by the Quality Checker and Approver.
Amanual Sanction letter should be issued with payment mode “Cheque” in triplicate as per the procedure. Guard against double payment should be ensured.
On the restoration of regular services, CPCs have to update the pending disbursement stages in the system.
CPCs have to maintain a manual register “Manual Claim Register” in the prescribed format as appended below for the purpose of record and future
Responsibility of Nodal officer: Till the restoration of regular service, ASP HQ / Sub Division of concerned CPCs will be Nodal Officer to ensure that the above instructions are followed with utmost care in offices under their jurisdiction.
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