Revised Speed Post BNPL Guidelines | DOP (Post Office) Revision of Operational Guidelines of Speed Post (Domestic) BNPL (Book Now Pay Later) scheme
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Operations & Development) Division
Dated: 2nd September, 2022
Subject: Revision of Operational Guidelines of Speed Post (Domestic) BNPL scheme.
Download Revised Speed Post BNPL Guidelines in PDF
Since the implementation of operational guidelines of Discount & BNPL Scheme and National Account Facility for Speed Post (domestic) vide OM number 10- 23/2013-BD&MD dated 24th January, 2017, which was effective from 1st January, 2017 and 10-01/2014-BD&MD Dated 17.03.2015 respectively, the processes involved in registration of corporate customers and processing of bulk mail have been streamlined with the technological upgradations.
2. Taking into considerations calls from. various stake holders to facilitate ease of doing business environment to corporate customer keeping in view of the changing business environment, it has been decided to revise the operational guidelines pertaining to registration of corporate customer and to simplify the processes involved and management of corporate customers of the Department as set out in the ensuing paras of this office memorandum. Annexure-A of this OM may be referred to in this regard.
3. The term Corporate Customer for this.purpose refers to anyone who provides Speed Post (domestic) business worth Rs.10,000/- (Rs. ten thousand) and above in a calendar month at a Speed Post booking Office.
4. All the cases of enrolment/registration of corporate customer either BNPL or Advance Deposit, providing monthly business of Rs.10,000/- (Rs. ten thousand) and above at a single location shall be approved by the Director/Chief Postmaster in case of GPOs and Divisional Head for all other.cases falling under his/her jurisdiction.
5. The maximum period up to which the BNPL agreement with the eligible corporate customer can be signed shall be 3 years, In case the corporate customer wishes to sign the BNPL agreement for 3 years, the validity of the bank guarantee shall be 39 months from the date of signing of the agreement.
6. The time limit for registration of corporate customer with Department shall be 2 days from the receipt of application complete in all respect along with KYC/supporting documents from the customer
7. All the cases of customers having monthly business less than Rs.10,000/- may be BNPL facility, will be enrolled with the approval of CPMG or PMG as the case may be Subject to the conditions that free pick up, API integration ete. shall not be provided, The time limit for enrolment/registration of such customers shall be 7 days of receipt of application complete in all respect along with KYC/supporting documents from the customer.
8. The eligibility for customers seeking BNPL facility with booking at multiple locations within a Circle/Region shall be the monthly Speed Post (domestic) business of Rs.1,00,000 (Rs. one lakh) and above at all the locations. The Speed Post business at all the booking locations in the Circle/Region shall be clubbed for calculation of discount, The CPMG/PMG of respective Circle/Region shall be the approving authority for such cases. In exceptional cases, the limit in such cases can be revised with the approval of CPMG, on case to case basis.
9. The approving authority has to do due diligence before enrolment of corporate customer with the Department.
10. The BNPL/Advance Deposit agreement can be renewed subsequently with the existing terms and conditions for apetiod of 2 years on each occasion by the approving authority provided: that the customer will furnish renewed/afresh security deposit of amount as prescribed by Department of Posts from time to time.
11. All the existing BNPL agreements in force can be renewed as per the operational guidelines mentioned in this OM.
12. National Account Facility involves booking of Speed Post articles from more than one Circle. The condition for seeking National Account Facility shall continue to be Speed Post (domestic) business Rs.1 crore per annum from all the locations and all the cases for booking under NAF will be sent by Nodal Circle to Mail Business Division of Postal Directorate for approval.
13. The Maximum period up to which the NAF agreement with the eligible coporate customer can be signed shall be 3 years. In case the corporate customer wishes to sign the NAF agreement for 3 years, the validity of the bank guarantee shall be 39 months from the date of signing of agreement
14. The NAF agreement can be renewed subsequently with existing terms and conditions for a period of 2 years on each occasion by the CPMG of Nodal Circle under intimation to the Mail Business. Division of Postal Directorate provided that the customer will continue to provide the business as prescribed to avail NAF and furnish renewed/afresh security deposit of amount as prescribed by Department of Posts from time to time.
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