Relaxation of Upper Age Limit to various categories for Direct recruitment to CCS (Central Civil Services) Posts | DOPT Circular Dated 06.09.2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Relaxation of Upper Age Limit to various categories for Direct recruitment to CCS (Central Civil Services) Posts | DOPT Circular Dated 06.09.2022

Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

(Department of Personnel & Training)

[As on 06.09.2022]


Download DOPT Circular on relaxation of upper age limit to CCS Posts in PDF


i) This document is a compilation of all relevant instructions on the subject of “relaxation in upper age-limit for direct recruitment to Central civil service or civil post” and therefore is intended to serve as the guide without the need, for anyone to refer to old OMs issued from time to time. The list of such OMs is given in Appendix to this document.

In case any reference to the relevant OM is required, the same may be accessed from Archive Section of DOPT’s Website.

(ii) While due care has been taken to compile this document, however, if any omissions or correction are noticed, the same may be brought to the notice of the Department of Personnel & Training.

1. Instructions allowing relaxation in upper age limit for appointment to Central Civil Posts/Services for various categories of candidates have been issued from time to time. These instructions are applicable only to Central Government Civilian Employees holding Civil posts and do not suo-motu apply to other category of employees including employees of autonomous/statutory bodies, Central Public Sector Enterprises etc. The following paragraphs indicate the relaxation allowed to different categories of candidates:-

[para 3 of O.M. No. 15012/2/2010-Estt.(D) dated 27.03.2012|

2. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

2.1 5 (Five) years of age Concession is admissible to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for all posts filled by Direct Recruitment.

[para 1 (i) of Notification No. 2/101/72-Estt(D) dated 07.03.1974]

3. Other Backward Classes

3.1 The upper age-limit prescribed for direct recruitment shall be relaxed by 3 (three) years in respect of candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes for all posts filled by Direct Recruitment.

[O.M. No. 43013/2/95-Estt. (SCT) dated 25.01.1995 and

O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated 22.10.1993]

4. Persons with Disabilities

4.1 Age relaxation of 10 years (15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC candidates) in upper age limit shall be allowed to Persons with disabilities suffering from (a) blindness or low vision, (b) deaf and hard of hearing (c) locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy (d) Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness and (ce) multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness in case of direct

recruitment to all civil posts/services under the Central Government identified suitable to be held by persons with such disabilities, subject to the condition that maximum age of the applicant on the crucial date shall not exceed 56 years.

[para 2 (i) of OM. No. 15012/1/2003-Estt.(D) dated 29.06.2015 and

Para 2.2 of O.M. No.36035/2/2017-Estt(Res) dated 15.01.2018)

4.2 The age concession to the persons with disabilities shall be admissible irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved for person with disabilities or not, provided the post is identified suitable for the relevant category of disability. This provision will not apply to the

Civil Services Examination, in respect of which the List of Services Identified suitable for Physically Disabled Category along with the Physical Requirements and Functional Classifications is notified separately.

[para 2 (ii) of O.M. No. 15012/1/2003-Estt.(D) dated 29.06.2015]

4.3 Relaxation of age limit would be permissible to such persons who have a minimum of 40% disability.

[para 2 (iii) of O.M. No. 15012/1/2003-Estt.(D) dated 29.06.2015]

4.4 The definitions of categories of disabilities, for the purpose of age relaxation, will be same as given in this Department's O.M. No. 36035/2/2017-Estt(Res) dated 15.01.2018.

[para 2 (iv) of O.M. No. 15012/1/2003-Fstt.(D) dated 29.06.2015

and Para 2.2 of O.M. No.36035/2/2017-Estt(Res) dated 15.01.2018)

4.5 If a person with disability is entitled to age concession by virtue of being a Central Government employee, concession to him/her will be admissible either as a ‘person with disability’ or as a 'Central Government employee’ whichever may be more beneficial to him/her. This provision will not apply to the Civil Services Examination, which is governed by the Civil Services Examination Rules, published annually.

[para 2 (v) of O.M. No. 15012/1/2003-Estt.(D) dated 29.06.2015)

4.6 Above Provisions will not be applicable to a post/service for which other specific provision regarding age relaxation is made by notification.

[para 2 (vi) of O.M. No. 15012/1/2003-Estt.(D) dated 29.06.2015)

4.7 The Ministries/Departments to ensure invariably while sending the requisition to the UPSC/SSC and other recruitment agencies for direct recruitment posts by selection that they should clearly mention in the requisition, the category of person(s) with disabilities suitable for the post(s) in question. No change or modification in identified post(s) for category of Persons with Disabilities with respect to an Examination, intimated after the Notification of that Examination, shall be accepted by UPSC/SSC etc.

[para 3 of O.M. No. 15012/1/2003-Estt.(D) dated 29.06.2015)

5. Departmental Candidates (For Central Government employee)

5.1 Departmental candidates who have rendered at least three years continuous service under the Central Government are allowed the age relaxation upto the age of 40 years (45 years for SC/ST) for appointment to Group ‘C’ posts by direct recruitment subject to the usual condition that the Group 'C' posts to which direct recruitment is being made are in the same line or allied cadres and that a relationship could be established that service rendered in the post will be useful for efficient discharge of the duties in other categories of posts.

[O.M. No, 15012/1/88-Estt.(D) dated 30.01.1980 and

O.M, No. 15012/1/88-Estt.(D) dated 20.05.1988]

5.2 Age concession of 5 years are allowed to Departmental Candidates (Central Government employee) in case of recruitment to Group A and Group B posts which are filled through UPSC (other than those filled on the basis of competitive examination) and posts which are exempted from purview of UPSC (where recruitment is made by Organization themselves). This concession is admissible to such of the Government Servants as are working in posts which are in the same line or allied cadres and where a relationship could be established that the service already rendered in a particular post will be useful for the efficient discharge of the duties of posts.

[O.M. No.15012/8/87-Estt.(D) dated 15.10.1987

and O.M. No.35014/4/79-Estt.(D) dated 24.10.1985]

6. Widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands and who are not re-married

6.1 Instructions of the Department of Personnel & Training provides that for purposes of appointment to Group C and D posts under the Central Government filled through the Staff Selection Commission and the Employment Exchange, the upper age limit in the case of widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands who are not remarried shall be relaxed upto the age of 35 years (upto 40 years for members of Scheduled Castes/Schedules Tribes) by invoking the provisions in the relevant recruitment rules, subject to production of a certified copy of the judgment/decree of the appropriate court to prove the fact of divorce or the judicial separation, as the case may be. There shall be no relaxation of educational qualification or method of recruitment. Further, this relaxation has

been allowed for appointment to Group “A’ & “B’ posts except where recruitment is made through open competitive examination.

[O.M. No. 15012/13/79-Estt.(D) dated 19.1.1980

and O.M. No. 15012/1/82-Estt.(D) dated 06.09.1983

and para 2 of O.M. No. 15012/1/87-Estt.(D) dated 05.10.1990

and para 2 of OM No. 41034/1/2014-Estt. (D) dated 30.01.2014]

7. Meritorious Sportspersons

7.1 Relaxation in upper age limit upto a maximum of 5 years (10 years in the case of those belonging to SC/ST) is allowed to Meritorious Sportspersons for the purpose of appointment to posts as specified in instructions relating to appointment of meritorious sportspersons. This concession will be available only to those sportspersons who satisfy all other eligibility conditions relating to educational qualifications etc. and furnish a certificate in the form and from an authority prescribed in this Department’s instructions relating to appointment of meritorious sportspersons.

[Para 2 of OM No. 15012/3/84-Estt. (D) dated 12.11.1987 and Point

VI of O.M. No. 14034/01/2013-Estt.(D) dated 03.10.2013]

8. Ex-servicemen

8.1 For appointment to vacancies in Group B (Non-Gazetted) or Group C posts in Central Government, an ex-servicemen shall be allowed to deduct the period of actual military service from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post for which he is seeking appointment by more than three years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit.

8.2. For appointment to any vacancy in Group A and Group B services or posts filled by direct recruitment otherwise than on the results of an Open All India Competitive Examination, the upper age limit shall be relaxed by the length of military service increased by three years in the case of ex-servicemen and commissioned officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers of Short Service Commissioned Officers.

8.3. For appointment to any vacancy in Group A and Group B services or posts filled by direct recruitment on the results of an All India Competitive Examination, the ex-serviceman and Commissioned Officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers or Short Service Commissioned Officers who have rendered at least five years military services and have been released —

i. On completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency; or

ii. on account of physical disability attributable to military service or on invalidment shall be allowed maximum relaxation of five years in the upper age limit.

[Para 4 of Notification No. 36034/1/06-Estt.(SCT) dated 4 October, 2012)

9. Disabled Defence services personnel

9.1 Disabled Defence Services personnel will get relaxation in upper age limit up to 45 years (50 years in the case belonging to SC/ST) for appointment to following categories of posts:-

(a) Group C posts which are filled through Employment Exchange.

(b) Group A & B posts filled otherwise than through Competitive Examination by UPSC | Para 1 fiti) of O.M. No. 14/42/65-Estt(D) dated 29.03.1966 and para (1) & (2) O.M. No.13/35/71-Estt.(C) dated 24.12.1971 and para 1 (Sl.No. 9) of O.M. No. 15012/2/2010-Estt.(D) dated 27.03.2012|

9.2 For all posts filled by Competitive examination, disabled Defence Services personnel would be allowed a relaxation of age limit up to 3 years (8 years for SC/ST) subject to the condition that they would not be allowed to avail of a larger number of chances in respect of recruitment to a service, or group of services, than the maximum number of chances permissible to any general candidate under the age limit.

[Para 5 (ii) (a) of OM. No. 39016/5/1981-Estt.(C) dated 21.02.1981 and

para I (Sl.No. 9) of O.M. No. 15012/2/2010-Estt.(D) dated 27.03.2012)

10. Whole-time Cadet Instructors in NCC

10.1 Age concession of Period of service rendered in NCC plus three years is admissible to Whole-time Cadet Instructors in NCC who were released from NCC after the expiry of their initial/ extended tenure for the purpose of appointment to the posts, recruitment to which is made through the Employment exchange.

[Para (iii) (a) of Notification No. 2/101/72-Estt(D) dated 07.03.1974 and

para I (SLNo. 3) of O.M. No. 15012/2/2010-Estt.(D) dated 27.03.2012]

10.2. Age concession of Period of service rendered in NCC plus three years is admissible to Whole-time Cadet Instructions in NCC who were released form NCC before the expiry of their initial/extended tenure provided they have served in NCC for a period of not less than six months prior to their release from NCC for the purpose of appointment to the posts, recruitment to which is made through the Employment exchange.

[Para (iti) (b) of Notification No. 2/101/72-Estt(D) dated 07.03.1974

and para I (SI_No.5) of O.M. No. 15012/2/2010-Estt.(D) dated 27.03.2012]

 11.  Ex-personnel of Army Medical Corps (Short Service regular Commissioned Officer)

11.1 Age concession upto 35 years is admissible to Ex-personnel of Army Medical Corps (Short Service regular Commissioned Officer) for all posts requiring Medical qualification.

[O.M. No. 4/3/55-RPS dated 13.07.1956 and para 1] (SI.No.10) of O.M. No. 15012/2/2010-Estt.(D) dated 27.03.2012]

12. Retrenched Central Government Employee

12.1 Age concession of Period of previous service under the Govt. of India plus three years is admissible to Retrenched Central Government Employee for posts filled otherwise than through UPSC on the basis of competitive tests, i.e. filled through employment exchange.

[para 1 (ii) of Notification No_ 2/101/72-Estt(D) dated 07.03.1974

and para I (SI.No.4) of O.M. No. 15012/2/2010-Estt. (D) dated 27.03.2012]

13. Ex-General Reserve Engineer Force Personnel

13.1 Age concession of Period of Service in GREF plus 3 years is admissible to Ex- General Reserve Engineer Force Personnel for posts filled otherwise than through UPSC on the basis of competitive tests, i.e. filled through Employment exchange.

[Para 1 (iv) of Notification No. 2/101/72-Estt(D) dated 07.03.1974

and para 1 (Sl.No. 6) of O.M. No. 15012/2/2010-Estt.(D) dated 27.03.2012|

14. Territorial Army Personnel who have service on the permanent staff pof Territorial Army Unit or have been embodied for service under T.A. Rule 33 for a continuous period of not less than six months.

14.1 Age concession of Entire Period of embodied service including broken period in the Territorial Army plus three years is admissible to Territorial Army Personnel who have service on the permanent staff of Territorial Army Unit or have been embodied for service under T.A. Rule 33 for a continuous period of not less than six months for post filled otherwise than through UPSC on the basis of competitive tests i.c. for posts filled through Employment Exchange.

[para I (xiii) of Notification No. 2/101/1972-Estt(D) dated 7.3.1974 and

paral (Sl.No. 7) of O.M. No. 15012/2/2010-Estt.(D) dated 27.03.2012

15. For the purposes of the above mentioned age concessions:

(i) “a retrenched Central Government employee” means a person who was employed under the Government of India for a continuous period of not less than six months prior to this retrenchment and was discharged as a result of the recommendation of the Economy Unit or due to normal reduction in establishment".

[para 2 (i) of Notification No. 2/101/72-Estt(D) dated 07.03.1974]

(ii) “a whole-time Cadet instructor in NCC” means a person who was recruited as a whole-time cadet instructor in NCC on or after 01.01.1963;

[para 2 (ii) of Notification No. 2/101/72-Estt(D) dated 07.03.1974]

(iii) “Ex-GREF personnel” means a person who was employed in that Force at least a continuous period for not less than six months and who was released from that Force on completion of his tenure of Service.

[para 2 (iii) of Notification No. 2/101/72-Estt(D) dated 07.03.1974]

(iv) “disabled ex-servicemen” means ex-serviceman who while serving in the Armed Forces of the Union was disabled in operations against the enemy or in disturbed areas;

[Para 2 (b) of Notification No. 39016/10/1979-Estt. (C) dated 15.12.1979]

(v) An ‘ex-serviceman’ means a person-

(i) who has served in any rank whether as a combatant or non-combatant in the Regular Army, Navy and Air Force of the Indian Union, and

(a) who either has been retired or relieved or discharged from such service whether at his own request of being relieved by the employer after earning his or her pension; or

(b) who has been relieved from such service on medical grounds attributable to military service or circumstances beyond his control and awarded medical or other disability pension; or

(c) who has been released from such service as a result of reduction in establishment;


(ii) who has been released from such service after completing the specific period of engagement, otherwise than at his own request, or by way of dismissal, or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency and has been given a gratuity; and includes personnel of the Territorial Army, namely, pension holders for continuous embodied service or broken spells of qualifying service;


(iii) personnel of the Army Postal Service who are part of Regular Army and retired from the Army Postal Service without reversion to their parent service with pension, or are released from the Army Postal service on medical grounds attributable to or aggravated by military service or circumstance beyond their control and awarded medical or other disability pension;


(iv) Personnel who were on deputation in Army Postal Service for more than six months prior to the 14" April, 1987


(v) Gallantry award winners of the Armed forces including personnel of Territorial Army;


(vi) Ex-recruits boarded out or relieved on medical ground and granted medical disability pension.

[Para 2 (c) of Notification No. 36034/1/06-Estt.(SCT) dated 4 October, 2012)


(vii) Provided that Short Service Commissioned Officers released from service after completing initial terms of engagement otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency and have been given gratuity shall be eligible to the status of Ex-servicemen.

[Notification No. 36034/1/2019-Estt. (Res) dated 13.02.2020|

16. Incase of recruitment through the UPSC and SSC, the crucial date for determining the age-limit shall be as advertised by UPSC/SSC. The crucial date for determining age for competitive examination held by UPSC/SSC is fixed as 1st day of January of the year in which the examination is held if the examination is held in the first half of the year, and 1st day of August of the year in which the examination is held, if the examination is held in the later half of the year.

[Para 2 of O.M. No. 42013/1/79-Estt.(D) dated 04.12.1979)

16.1 Where examinations are held in two parts on two different dates of the year, the later of two dates would be the crucial date. Where both parts of an examination are held in the first half of the year, the crucial date for determining the age limits will normally be the Ist of January. Similarly, if both parts of an examination are held in the second half of the year, the crucial date for determining the age limits would be the Ist of August.

[Para 2 of O.M. No. AB.14017/70/87-Estt(RR) dated 14.07.1988]

16.2 It may sometimes so happen that due to exigencies of circumstances an examination, which is normally held during the first half of the year, is shifted to the second half. In such a case, the date for determining the age limits would remain the 1“ of January. The exact position should be clearly indicated in the rules for the respective examinations, which are notified for the purpose.

[Para 3 of O.M. No. AB.14017/7W/87-Estt(RR) dated 14.07.1988]

17. A Government Servant is not allowed any relaxation of age for recruitment to Group “A’ and Group “B’ post on the basis of competitive examination held by the Commission except in cases where it has been specifically provided for in the scheme of the examinations approved in consultation with the Commission

[Para 4 (i) of O.M. No. 4/4/74-Estt.(D) dated 09.04.1981]

18. The upper age-limit for recruitment by the method of Direct Open Competitive to the Central Civil Services and civil posts specified in the relevant service/recruitment rules, on the date of commencement of the Central Civil Services and Civil posts (Upper Age-limit for Direct Recruitment) Rules 1998, stands increased by two years. Subsequent amendment in the relevant Service/Recruitment Rules is to reflect the enhanced upper age limits for Direct Recruitment. “Direct Open Competitive Examination” for the purpose of these rules shall mean direct recruitment by Open Competitive Examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission or the Staff Selection Commission or any other authority under the Central Government and it shall not include recruitment through Limited Departmental Examination or through short listing or by absorption or transfer or deputation.

[Para 2 and 3 of Notification No. 15012/6/98-Estt.(D) dated 21.12.1998]



Reference Office Memorandum on relaxation in upper age-limit for direct recruitment to Central civil service or civil post

O.M. No. 4/3/55-RPS dated 13.07.1956

O.M. No. 14/42/65-Estt(D) dated 29.03.1966

O.M. No.13/35/71-Estt.(C) dated 24.12.1971

Notification No. 2/101/72-Estt(D) dated 07.03.1974

O.M. No. 42013/1/79-Estt.(D) dated 04.12.1979

Notification No. 39016/10/1979- Estt. (c) dated 15.12.1979

O.M. No. 15012/13/79-Estt.(D) dated 19.1.1980

O.M. No. 15012/1/88-Estt.(D) dated 30.01.1980

O.M. No. 39016/5/1981-Estt.(C) dated 21.02.1981

O.M. No. 4/4/74-Estt.(D) dated 09.04.1981

O.M. No. 15012/1/82-Estt.(D) dated 06.09.1983

O.M. No.35014/4/79-Estt.(D) dated 24.10.1985

O.M. No.15012/8/87-Estt.(D) dated 15.10.1987

O.M. No. 15012/3/84-Estt.(D) dated 12.11.1987

O.M. No. 15012/1/88-Estt.(D) dated 20.05.1988

O.M. No. AB.14017/70/87-Estt (RR) dated 14.07.1988O.M. No. 15012/1/87-Estt.(D) dated 05.10.1990

O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 22.10.1993

O.M. No. 43013/2/95-Estt. (SCT) dated 25.01.1995

Notification No. 15012/6/98-Estt.(D) dated 21.12.1998

O.M. No. 15012/2/2010-Estt.(D) dated 27.03.2012

Notification No. 36034/1/06-Estt.(SCT) dated 4"* October, 2012

O.M. No. 14034/01/2013-Estt.(D) dated 03.10.2013

OM No. 41034/1/2014-Estt. (D) dated 30.01.2014

O.M. No. 15012/1/2003-Estt.(D) dated 29.06.2015

O.M. No.36035/2/2017-Estt (Res) dated 15.01.2018

Notification No. 36034/1/2019-Estt.(Res) dated 13.02.2020

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