Relaxation in the eligibility service change in the crucial date i.e., 1st January-Clarifications thereof. - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Relaxation in the eligibility service change in the crucial date i.e., 1st January-Clarifications thereof.

No. Misc./Circular/2021/PA Admn 11/1696-1718

Dated: 22/09/2022

Sub: Relaxation in the eligibility-service change in the crucial date i.e., Ist January-Clarifications thereof.

Ref: This office circular no. Circular/2021/PA Admn II/1925 to 1950 dated 01.10.2021 and subsequent directions issued vide letter dated 04.03.2022.

I am directed to invite your kind attention to the subject cited above and to intimate that this office has already issued directions vide letter dated 04.03.2022 to strictly adhere to DoPT’s OM no. AB-14017/17/2018-Estt.RR dated 12.8.2021.

However, this office is still receiving various communications/representations/grievances from Unions as well as individuals regarding change of crucial date for determining the eligibility service. It has been observed that the proper compliance of the ibid directions has yet not been made at the PAO level.

In view of the above, it is requested to review all the cases in the light of ‘Para -5' of above-mentioned DoPT’s OM dated 12.08.2021 and take necessary action accordingly.

This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

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