PS Group B Exam Books | Revised catalogue of Books for LDCE PS Group B Exam dated 01.09.2022 by Shri. P.Karunanithy, Retired Superintendent of Post Offices
Revised catalogue of Books for PS Group B Exam dated 01.09.2022 by Shri. P.Karunanithy, Retired Superintendent of Post Offices
How to Buy LDC PS Group B Exam Online?
Please follow follwing procedure for buying online PS (Postal Service) Group B Exam Books.
Total cost of books Rs.
3,890/Postage 60/Total amount for which M.O is to be remmitted Rs.
3,950/Part-II 22 Twenty two books for Rs. 3,950/ All books are in English
version only If the candidate wants all (50) books, two separate eMOS for Rs.5,000/-
and Rs. 3,950/-may be remitted.
Money order is to be remitted to the following address: SMT. R.P. SHARMILA, No.5, MOOVENDAR NAGAR EAST, MADURAI RESERVE LINES SO, Madurai - 625014 (Tamilnadu State) The amount should be remitted by eMO only and not by any other modes. There is no VPP or COD services.
It is requested not to
credit the amount in any of the SB accounts mentioned previously in the website
Note: 1. If the
candidates want the selected books, the candidates will calculate the cost of
books from the PS Group B exam catalogue dated 09.05.2019 and add the dispatch
charges as detailed below: Number of books Despatching charges Unto 10 books
Rs. 50/From 11 and Upto 20 books Rs. 100/From 21 and Upto 30 books Rs. 150/More
than 30 books Rs. 200/
2. The candidates will calculate the cost of the books and add required dispatch charges. The amount may be remitted by eMO. Serial number of the books may be noted in the eMO form. All particulars may be sent through WhatsApp to the cell no. 8870633239 and Cell 9443329681.
Your WhatsApp cell
number may be noted in the eMO form. Please ensure that your emo is transmitted
along with your WhatsApp number.
3. Books will be
dispatched by Registered Book Packets containing printed books. If your mobile
number is furnished, the despatch particulars will be intimated by SMS in your
mobile by us.
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