Postal Employees Bonus 2022 | NFPE Writes to Postal Secretary to announce Bonus for Postal employees (GDS) at the earliest as the festive season begins - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Postal Employees Bonus 2022 | NFPE Writes to Postal Secretary to announce Bonus for Postal employees (GDS) at the earliest as the festive season begins

NATIONAL FEDERATION OF POSTAL EMPLOYEES (NFPE) writes to Postal Directorate for early announce ment of Bonus for Postal Employees/GDS (Gramin Dak Sevaks).

No. PF/NFPE/BONUS/2021-22 Dated - 15.09.2022

Sub: Announcement of Bonus for the year 2021-2022.

The festivals like Durgotsav, Diwali, Bhai Dooj, Chat Puja etc, are not far away, The session will start from the very beginning of October. So from now only 15/16 days are remaining left. Naturally, employees across the country are worried about bonus announcement.

Our experience in recent years is that bonus is announced either just before the festival starts or even after the festival has started. Naturally, our employees specially the Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) found it difficult to manage their social obligations and rituals. So, a strong sense of resentment had then been developed amongst the Postal Employees including GDS.

In these circumstances we urge upon you to personally intervene so that bonus is announced at the earliest. Considering the gravity of the case, we believe you will kindly take care of the case with top most priority.

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