Post Office (DOP) Departmental manpower requirement for the availability of banking facility within the 5km of all villages in India
F.No. 40-12/2022-Plg.
Department of Posts
(Rural Business & Planning Division)
Dak Bhawan, Parliament Street
New Delhi, Dated: 29.8.2022
Subject: Departmental manpower requirement for the availability of banking facility within the 5km of all villages in India- reg.
Download India Post Department Manpower Requirement circular in PDF
This is regarding availability of banking facility within the 5km of all villages in India and has reference to DG (Postal Services) DO letter no. 40-12/2022-Plg dated 14.07.2022.
2. In this connection, inputs have been received from Circles on:
(i) Name of village identified for proposed BO.
(ii) Name of villages to be included in the delivery area of proposed BO.
(iii) Status of network availability in the proposed BO.
3. However, opening of BOs in Circles may also necessitate opening of new Departmental SOs as well as creation of new Sub-Divisions. Therefore, Circles are requested to furnish the following additional information in continuation of the inputs furnished earlier:
(i) Number of new posts of Postal Assistants (PAs) required for operationalisation of newly proposed BOs. These new posts of PAs may be required either in existing account SOs/HOs or in new SOs that may be required to be opened.
(ii) Similarly, number of new posts of Inspectors (IP) required for operationalisation of proposed new BOs.
(iii) Number of new posts of Mail Overseers (MO) required for operationalisation of proposed BOs.
4. Circles are requested to submit the above information in the enclosed format by 02.09.2022. The requisite information may kindly be furnished on priority for onward submission to the Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
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