IPPB Bajaj Allianz Guaranteed Pension Goal (GPG) Smart Protect Goal (SPG) Insurance Products
As per instructions recieved from PBI division 3 days IPPB Life Insurance Maha Login Drive is conducted from 28-09-2022 to 30-09-2022
Currently 2 types of plan are launched under IPPB Bajaj Allianz partnership which are named as
1) Guaranteed Pension Goal (GPG) - Annuity product (pension product)
2) Smart Protect Goal (SPG) - Term Insurance product
All certified End-users are requested to login atleast 1 policy preferably of Rs 10,000/- & above ticket size & get activated.
This opportunity can be used to increase the monthly end-users activation. End-users will also be rewarded with good incentive for each login
Detailed English & Kannada pamphlets are shared herewith.
For any doubts, clarification & more details you can contact your IPPB branch staff
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