How to make UPI Qr Code Transaction at Post Office POS Counter? Steps for Digital payments through UPI QR Code scan | CEPT Solution for PayU UPI transaction errors
Steps for maintaining QR Code payment at Post Office counter before transaction.
1. QR code created on the basis of Counter no and office name. Hence it is very important to paste/display proper QR code at the counter as configured in POS back office.
e.g: - if one counter is mentioned 1 in POS Back office, the QR code for Counter number no 1 should be paste in that counter only.
2. Scan to check QR code counter number and confirm and make small note on the sticker for future identification.
Note: it has been observed wrong QR code has been pasted, not following the proper counter number.
2. Check whether Daily and High sync is running properly or not. If not, then rectify High and daily sync and then book through QR code.
3. If machine changed due to any reason immediately configure same counter no in replace of the PC.
4. Remember QR payment to be made on exact amount not rounded amount , so decimal figure need to be paid by customer.
Steps for Postal payment through UPI QR Code
Before initiate transaction, please ensure the Counter allocation number as per POS Back office and counter number PayU sticker must be same
1. After feeding booking details click payment and select UPI QR button on left panel at POS Counter.
2. Click initiate transaction button by counter operator.
Note: Customer should not scan and complete payment unless until counter PA instructs the customer to pay.
3. Initiate transaction message box will be running then, Ask the customer to scan the QR and pay the exact amount as shown at the POS (not to be rounded off). Remember QR payment to be made on exact amount not rounded amount, so decimal figure need to be paid by customer.
4. After payment confirmation given by the customer, immediately click on validate transaction in the pos screen.
5. Payment status success and customer name will be shown in the screen.
6. Give submit button and receipt will be printed
Note : All QR transaction may be checked at Digital transaction status under Digital Transactions Status report at by the office only through Digital Transactions Status Report or Digital Transaction Status With 21 digit POS receipt no.
Very important
Observation of CEPT POS team on PAYu UPI transaction errors:
1) Error: Invalid response, please do the transaction again.
Reason: Due to Invalid response value against input parameter.
Resolution: User should void the transaction and try one again.
2) Error : There is network issue, please do the transaction again( At initiate button)
Reason: Response is Null from PayU (or) PayU server is down.
Resolution: User should do the transaction again after some time as this issue comes intermittently.
3) Error : There is network issue or Validation has not been done yet( Validate transaction button)
Reason: PayU server is down or Response is Null from PayU
Resolution: User should do the transaction again after some time as this issue comes intermittently.
4) Error: Transaction Failed: payment not done yet.
Reason: Customer has not done the payment and counter PA has validated the transaction using Validate button.
Resolution: Counter PA should validate the transaction once payment is completed by the customer.
5) Error: Transaction is pending.
Reason: Payment initiated, customer has not done the payment and before the payment Counter PA clicked on Validate Transaction button.
Resolution: Counter PA Should click on Validate button once transaction is completed by the customer.
6) Error: Transaction has timed out
Reason: Transaction initiated, but user(Customer) did not complete the transaction in defined time limit of 180 sec.
Resolution: Customer should complete the transaction within 180 sec.
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