GDS, MTS, Postman to PA SA Exam Result 2022 | LDCE PA/SA Exam Result 2022 held on 07.08.2022
The Competent Authority is pleased to declare the results of the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the posts of Postal Assistant (Circle Office and Regional Offices), Postal Assistant (Savings Bank Control and Internal Check Organization), Postal Assistant (Post Office) and Sorting Assistant (Railway Mail Service) from eligible officials of Category A and Category B for the vacancy year 2022 (01-01-2022 to 31-12-2022) held on 07-08-2022 and DEST held on 18-09-2022.
Download GDS, MTS, Postman to PA SA Exam Result in PDF
2. The provisional and final answer keys were displayed in the departmental website by Karnataka Circle. Directorate vide letter nos. F-No.17-08/2018-SPB-I dated 16-05-2019, 17-08/2018-SPB-| dated 26-06-2019, F No. 17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 09-09-2021 and 17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 22-07-2022 has specified the paper-wise qualifying marks as under:
Paper(s) Maximum marks Qualifying Marks
Paper -I 100 40 33 33
Paper-II 50 20 16.5 16.5
Paper-III (DEST) 25 15 12.5 12.5
3. This is a promotional examination and no reservation in promotion for OBC and EWS candidates, hence, the minimum qualifying percentage of UR category will be applicable for them.
4. Vacancy position notified under PA/SA cadres is as below:
Cadre UR | SC} ST PwD Total
PA(CO) 03 | 01 01 00 05
PA(PO) 198 | 38 | 19 | 10 (VH-2, HH-3, OH-3, Others-2) 255
PA(SBCO) 04 | 01 01 00 06
SA 24 | 04] 02 00 30
5. The LDCE results are declared based on the Department of Posts (Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant) Recruitment Rules, 2022 issued by Directorate vide F. No. 04- 05/2015-SPN-| dated 20-06-2022, SOP vide letter no. A-34012/02/22-DE dated 11-08-2022 and Notification issued by this office vide letter of even no. dated 24-06-2022.
6. In pursuance to instructions contained in Directorate letter No.X-12/6/2021-SPN-II dated 31-12-2021, selection of candidates through examination has been done by preparing a single merit list at Circle Level. The selected candidates have been allotted to the divisions/units as per merit (category wise, UR, SC & ST) vis-a vis order of preference exercised by the candidates subject to availability of vacancies in the Division/Unit.
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