DOP QR Code (PayU) Payments Failure Refund Procedure | To analyse the cases and to raise tickets for refund of UPI debited amount - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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DOP QR Code (PayU) Payments Failure Refund Procedure | To analyse the cases and to raise tickets for refund of UPI debited amount

The following is the procedure to analyse the failure cases and to raise tickets for refund cases. The following report is to be downloaded by Region OR Division OR Postoffices on the next day of transaction from . The file can be exported to excel.

Download Post Office QR Code Payments failure refund process in PDF

Four different entries are found under Status : Captured, Dropped, Failed & Autorefund and the explanation is as below: 1) Autorefund : The amount will be auto refunded by PayU for cases when the customer has made payment even before the payment was initiated by PA OR due to wrong amount paid by the customer(omitting paisa, etc.) . Duration of refund is from one day to seven working days. No action needed from DOP end. 2) Dropped / Failed : In such cases the amount may or may not have been debited from the customers bank account, but PayU has not received such amount. Customers have to be advised to approach their respective banks for the refund if amount is debited from

their bank account. Please note that refunds in such cases will not be done by PayU as they have not received the amounts. 3) Captured : There are 2 scenarios: a) Status is captured, “PayuAmount” column in excel file and “POSAmount” column contains same amounts. This is a successful transaction for which receipt was printed in POS. Nothing to be done about such transactions. b) Status is captured, “PayuAmount” column in excel file contains amount but “POSAmount” is 0.00. In such cases the amount has been debited from the customers account but the transaction failed. Refunds to the customer have to be initiated by Senior-Postmaster, Sansad Marg HO, New Delhi(email: A ticket has to be raised for refund cases in Service Desk, under the “POS-Daily Operation Related” sub head.(screenshot as below)


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