DOP Guidelines for BYOD (Bring your own device) Scheme | Post Office Guidelines for Bring your own device (BYOD) Policy/Model for Delivery Staff
Guidelines for Bring your own device (BYOD) scheme in DOP. Post Office BYOD Policy. India Post BYOD Model for Delivery Staff.
Download DOP (Post Office) BYOD Polciy Guidelines in PDF
(a) BYOD scheme will only be applicable for Postman/GDS doing delivery work in Departmental offices/ BOs but are not equipped with any smart phone either by Directorate or IPPB.
(b) Presently the PMA is only working in android devices. Therefore, the delivery staff must own an android smart phone. The minimum configuration for the device shall be intimated by IPPB. Only the devices meeting the minimum configuration shall be allowed for BYOD, which may be changed by as per operational requirements of Department/IPPB.
(c) The smartphone must be in a good condition without any operational issues in touchscreen, rear camera etc. and should not be more than 3 years old. The device should not be rooted when enrolled for BYOD scheme.
(d) List of models prescribed by IPPB for BYOD scheme are enclosed at Annexure —B. This list may be updated by IPPB team from time to time to enrol the latest models.
(d) The necessary details of smart phones such as copy of invoice (if available with the delivery staff), Make/model, IMEI Numbers, Purchase date shall have to be recorded at the office level for all the BYOD devices.
(e) The total incentive to be given to the delivery staff shall comprise a fixed incentive 200 Rs. per smartphone subject to the condition that minimum 90% of articles being received for delivery shall have to be processed though PMA.
(f) SIM & data/voice/SMS plans will have to be purchased by the delivery staff considering the availability of sound network connectivity of the service providers in the beat area, which will be refunded by the Department on monthly basis. The refund amount for SIM/Data/SMS charges however be capped to Rs. 150/- per month. No additional allowance for SIM/voice/data/SMS will be given by the Department.
(g) The Department will assume no responsibility for loss, theft or damage to any such device. Department will also assume no liability for loss of any personal data or applications from the device itself. The use of device thereof is the responsibility of the delivery staff who owns the device.
(h) No special advance of any kind shall be given to the employee for purchase of mobile phone for purpose of BYOD.
(i) The payment of BYOD allowance shall be made on monthly basis in the POSB/IPPB/Salary account of the delivery staff.
(j) Calculation of BYOD remuneration in special cases:
(i) If an employee registered for BYOD scheme do not use the mobile phone due to absence, mobile phone service/repair etc., the remunerations for BYOD shall be given as per the following:
Mobile phone
200 x No. of working days for which mobile phone was used / No. of working days in a month
Similarly, mobile tariff remuneration shall be calculated as:
150 (orthe present tariff allowance rates) x No. of working days for which mobile phone was used / No. of working days in a month.
However, in the following exceptional cases full remuneration for a particular month is proposed:
(a) If an employee delivers articles using PMA for at least once a month provided the employee processed minimum 90% articles and proceed on leave duly sanctioned by the competent authority.
(b) If the delivery through PMA could not done due to technical issues in mobile phone and is repaired by the delivery staff within 2 working days. A copy of bill for mobile phone service/repair may be produced by the delivery staff for this purpose.
(ii) If a mobile phone of outsourced staff is used for delivery through PMA in absence of departmental staff, outsourced staff may be remunerated for that period in the similar manner as mentioned in point j(i) above.
Criterion of calculating working days for which mobile phone was used is subject to condition that minimum 90% of articles being received for delivery, shall have to be processed though PMA.
(k) As the mobile phones enrolled in BYOD scheme can also be used for the IPPB related activities, a mobile device management (MDM) software may be installed in the mobile phones by the concerned IPPB team, if required.
(l) Details of all the mobile phones enrolled under BYOD scheme may be shared by the Circles on fortnightly basis to Mail Operations Division in the format as per Annexure — A. (copy enclosed)
(m) Other peripherals such as Biometric device, payment device, connecting cable etc., if required for banking related activities shall be provided by IPPB to the delivery staff.
(n) Details of reimbursement under BYOD scheme for each month may be conveyed by the Post offices / Branch offices to the concerned Division offices by 7th of next month so that the reimbursement shall be made before 15" day of the next month.
The reimbursement amount be booked under Post office (OE) Non plan head of accounts. Circles and regions should project the anticipated requirement of funds and ensure the timely payments to delivery staff.
(O) Consent of the delivery staff, willing to enrol under BYOD scheme may be obtained as per enclosed Performa as per Annexure — C (copy enclosed).
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