DOP BSNL Copper to Fiber Line migration | Migration of all existing VPNoBB links to FTTH as VPNoFTTH connectivity through TIP model for Department of Posts (DoP).
F. No. CNNCO-12/16/3/2024-EB-I-Part (1) Date:05th September,2022
Sub:- Instructions regarding migration of all existing VPNoBB links presently working on copper last mile and the provisioning of TNF links on FTTH as VPNoFTTH connectivity through TIP model for Department of Posts (DoP).
Download DOP IPPB BSNL NI Contract migration in PDF
Ref 1.- Circular no BSNL.CO-NPBB/11(13)/2/2020-NWP-BB-BSNL_CO dt 114.412.2020
Ref 2- Circular no. 1-1/2020-R&C [CFA] dated 25.06.2021,
DoP is an esteemed high revenue platinum customer of BSNL under the same Ministry. CN Tx-North Circle is the nodal unit for DoP and providing network connectivity under DoP IT Modernization Project 1.0.
2. The project has now been handed over to the India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) by DoP w.ef 01.04.2022 Hence w.e.f. 01.04.2022 the payment authority for DoP project Shall be IPPB and payment will be made to the CN Tx North Circle centrally by IPPB New Delhi. TAN, PAN and GSTIN details of IPPB are enclosed as “Annexure-1”.
3. BSNL is providing network connectivity as NSP-I to DoP under NI Contract since 2012 for connecting Post Offices /locations /establishment of DoP. The services provided for WAN connectivity are MPLS(Multi Protocol Label Switching) and VPNoBB(VPN over Broadband). CN Tx-North is the billing and controlling authority (BCA) for the connectivity provided under the Project.
4 As per terms and conditions of the DoP NI contract and low bandwidth requirements of DoP majority of the links were provided on the available copper last mile media.
5. it is worth mentioning that with the day by day degradation and depletion in the health of copper cables, there is a severe deterioration in the quality of data transmission of these links. This is hampering the operations of DoP and Causing disruption in the public services offered through the Post-offices. In many Post-offices. the core hanking services of DoP are also getting affected due to prolonged faults. Sometimes, these faults are beyond repair and leading to the links being declared s ‘TNF’ by the field units of BSNL.
6. There is stringent SLA terms and conditions under the NI contract, These prolonged faults are not only hampering the services of the DoP but also attracting SLA penalties on BSNL which is causing revenue losses to BSNL.
7. Now, in order to provide seamless connectivity to DoP and to arrest the increasing trend of links becoming TNF it has been decided to migrate all the existing VPNoBB links of DoP working on copper last mile to FTTH connectivity through TIP model including those which have been declared as ‘TNF’ on copper last mila by the field units. The list of ‘working VPNOBB links’ and ‘TNF VPNoBB links’ are uploaded on BSNL Intranet under NORTH(MNTC) unit along with this letter as Annexure-2 and Annexure-3 respectively. Summary sheet of ‘working VPNoBB links’ and ‘TNE VPNOBB links’ are enclosed as Annexure-4 and Annexure-& respectively
8. This arrangement will help to provide greater customer satisfaction through the improvement in the service qualities and shall reduce the heavy SLA penalties being imposed by DoP on BSNE due to frequent and prolonged outages forthe links working on copper last mile
9. In the recent HoCC meeting, the senior managoment of BSNL has also stressed upon the need of migration of the leased circuits from copper to fibre for efficient and smooth functioning of the Platinum EB customers
10. Presontly, BSNL Is getting revenue from VPNoBE links of 612 Kbps at Annual Bandwidth Charges of Rs 17952/- plus GST.
11. Under this arrangement for DoP, the revenue share to the FTTH channel partner (6 TIP) will be Rs 600/- per month plus GST only, Rest of the terms and conditions shall be as per Circular dated 11.12.2020 under Ref (1). Howevor, the rental charges for the ONT will be additionally paid to TIP as per BSNL CO Circular dated 25.06.2021 under Ref (2)
12. The Billing and controlling authority of these links shall continue to be the CN Tz North Circie.
13. In case BSNL OFC or FTTH media Is feasible the same should be given preference over TIP.
14. The following plan for DoP has already been created in all the four zones of ITPC in the BSNL CDR system:
Table-1 ;
Plan Name | VPNoBharat Fiber 512 Kbps For Department of Posts.
Bandwidth 512 kbps
Annual Bandwidth Charges | Rs.17952/- plus GST
Quarterly Charges Rs 4488 /- plus GST
ONT Charges NIL :
Security Deposit NIL
Registration / Activation! | NIL
Installation Charges
Late Payment Charges | NIL
Billing Frequency. SLAas | C
Payment Arrears. Postpaid
SLA As per DoP Ni Contract _
Calling / Internet facility _| Not Applicable
No disconnection under ONP
Necessary provisions may be made in COR In order io avoid disconneciion of
links on account of payment/delayed payment by DoP/ Post offices.
15. This plan will be exclusively used for the migration of all the existing VPNoBB links of DoP presently working on copper last mlie as well as for all VPNoBB links which have been declared TNF by field units and the new VPNoBB / VPNoF TTH request trom DoP (or IPPB) under the NI Project.
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