Corrigendum to SB Order No. 09/2022 | Execution of HACINT menu in Finacle CBS and amendments in Rule 61(3) and Appendix—XVI of POSB CBS Manual (Corrected up to 31.12.2021) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Corrigendum to SB Order No. 09/2022 | Execution of HACINT menu in Finacle CBS and amendments in Rule 61(3) and Appendix—XVI of POSB CBS Manual (Corrected up to 31.12.2021)

 Corrigendum to SB Order No. 09 / 2022.

File No. FS-10/8/2022-FS-DOP

(F.S. Division)

Dated: 14.09.2022

Corrigendum to SB Order No. 09/2022

Subject: Execution of HACINT menu in Finacle CBS and amendments in Rule 61(3) and Appendix—XVI of POSB CBS Manual (Corrected up to 31.12.2021) — Regarding.

In partial modification of the SB Order No. 09/2022 dated 02.06.2022 issued in File No. FS-10/8/2022-FS-DOP, the following corrigendum issued.

(i). Para 3 may be read as “Considering the increase in number of HIARM entries and practical difficulties faced in execution of HACINT at CEPT, Chennai, it is proposed to decentralize HACINT menu and will be executed by the CPC In-Charge of CBS-CPCs in the Circle with effect from 3rd June, 2022”.

ii). In para 7, in Text of the Amended provisions, “as on 01-04-xxxx” may be read as “as on "31-03-xxxx”’.

2. The following corrigendum is issued in the detailed Standard Operating Procedure for execution of HACINT menu at CBS-CPCs level circulated along with SB Order No. 09/2022 dated 02.06.2022.

i. In Para (B)(2)(v), ‘Applicable date should be starting date of current financial year, O1/04/xxxx (Eg 01/04/2022) may be read as “Applicable date should be 31st March of last financial year, 31/03/xxxx (Eg 31/03/2022)”

3. All other entries of the SB Order hold good and this may be circulated to all the offices concerned for information and necessary actions.

4. This is issued with the approval of competent authority.


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