Conducting of DEST (Data Entry Skill Test) for Promotion to PA SA Cadre | Exam Held On 07th August 2022
Subject: Conduct of Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) in respect of qualified candidates of examination for Promotion to PA/SA cadre held on 07-08-2022
This is regarding Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) scheduled to be held on 25-09-2022 (SUNDAY). In this regard, the- Competent Authority has decided to hold DEST at Regional level in respect of the qualified Candidates under Category-A and Category-B for Promotion to the cadre of PA/SA,
2. The tentative qualified Candidates list of Category-A and Category-B atong with not qualified / absentee list will be uploaded in the Karnataka post Website shortly. These lists will be tentative until Confirmation of category and regularization of Provisionally Permitted candidates by the concerned Regional / Divisional Heads.
3. The Regionat Heads are requested to prepare a rubber stamp as below, to be impressed On the respective Hall permits. The Hall Permits are to be signed by the respective Assistant Directors. The Hail permits have to be sent to respective Divisions to hand it Over to the concerned candidates.
Region Name
Category A/ Category B
Signature of Asst Director:
4. A fresh option from (copy enclosed) may be send to all qualified candidates with a request to bring the same, duty filled up a nd countersigned by sdh/ dh, along with the hall permit on the &xamination day. The Same will be collected at the venue by respective Regions and kept at RO under safe Custody,
5. The qualified candidates should exercise prefere , where there is availability of Vacancies for consideration. in Case, preference ts exercised AND SHALLNOT BE CHANGED. This may be brought to the notice of ati qualified Category A & Category B candidates,
6. The candidates shall be allowed to DEST on production of Hail permits issued by Regions. Without the Hall permits, candidates shall not be allowed to attend DEST. The candidates may be instructed to carry the Admit Card/Hall Permit issued to him and his Department ID Card along with a copy of the ID card and also Option / preference form.
7. The Regions are requested to identify the Venue for the DEST and communicate to all the Divisions under their jurisdiction immediately.
8. Regions/Divisions are directed to inform the candidates about the date and venue of DEST after receipt of this letter.
9. It is to inform that the Department has uploaded the functional prototype of the application in the website for the DEST held on 09-02-2020 in the link The candidates may be asked to familiarize and practice themseives from the above link.
10. As per the Directorate letter nos.17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 09.09.2021 and 22-07-2022, the DEST will be conducted in different shifts / batches with time schedule for the test will be 15 minutes and maximum marks shall be 25. However, there may be good number of formatities ta be completed before and after the test. The arrangement of the computer labs etc will be made in view of the time required for each shift / batch. The tentative batch timings may be fixed as follows with a lunch break between 1-00 to 1-30-PM. It is requested to allot the batch number and timings of the candidates pertaining to your Region as per the schedule.
11. The responsibilities of various levels i.e. Supervising Officer, invigilator and candidates for conducting DEST is enclosed for information, reference, guidance and necessary action. Regions are requested to prepare Kannada version of the instructions for the candidates only.
12. The DEST application witl be Compatible with the computer system of the following configuration
13. Necessary action may be taken to ensure that the computers earmarked for this purpose are made compatible to the application.
14. To ensure that appropriate arrangements is made for the computer lab with sufficient nodes and that the nodes are tinked to a good quality printer either in LAN environment or standalone basis with all nodes.
15. To ensure that the Supervising officer/ Invigilators have made themselves fully conversant with the DEST application and the instructions for the candidates based on the prototype DEST application with dummy test.
16. The marks obtained by the candidate may be tabulated in excel sheet for which format will be forwarded to you through e-mail shortly,
17. As per instructions contained in Directorate’s letter no. 17-08/2018-SPN-| dated 22-07-2022, minimum qualifying marks for Paper III viz DEST for General/OBC/EWS 60%, SC/ST/PWD (if not exempted for skill test) 50%. After tabulating the marks in excel sheet, soft copy may be e-mailed to with Password protected.
18. The attendance sheet (Region wise), printed answer sheets along with the data back-up of all the answer sheets are taken in appropriate storage media and should be handed over by the Assistant Postmaster General (Staff) / AD (Staff) of your office in person in a sealed cover addressed to Smt.Kavya Arora, Director Postal Services (HQ), Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru-560 001 on 26-09-2022 at 10-00 hours. In case of NK Region, the same may be dispatched by Insured Post to the DPS (HQ) by name.
19. The DEST application for the above test will be handed over to the Assistant Postmaster General (Staff) / AD (Staff) of your office in a pen drive in sealed cover on Friday, the 23rd September, 2022. Separate arrangements will be made to handover the DEST application to North Karnataka.
20. The Supervising Officer May be instructed to draft the officers/officials who have technical expertise preferably System Administrators and other system administrators, if required.
21. The printout of the test to be taken on A4 size paper which should be signed by the Supervising Officer and given to the Room invigilators
22. The same Hall Permits of the candidates available in the custody of the concerned regional office to be used for incorporating the date and time of DEST to be issued to the qualified candidates for attending the DEST.
23. The reporting time for the candidates may perhaps be fixed one and half an hour (1 1/2hours) prior to the timings of the batch.
All the candidates may be directed to follow COVID-19 protocol strictly. This may be brought to the notice of alt the concerned.
This has the approval of Chief Postmaster General.
Supervising officer
a. Application is loaded on all the nodes at least two hours of start of DEST. All computers ore connected to good laser printer elther in LAN environment or standalone mode for taking print out of evaluated answer sheets.
b. The application is run using exe file and opened using the password received from the Nodal Officer.
c. The sanctity of password and application is maintained.
d. No candidate is alowed to take any note of the text or copy etc. out of the venue.
e. Invighotors are instructed property and fést Is conducted smoothly.
f. Data back of all answer sheets are taken and kept in his safe custody atleast in two storage media. _
g. A report is submitted to Circle Nodal Officer af the end of DEST.
h. To coordinate with Circle Nodal Officer for conducting the test. Ensure that Cameras, electronic gadgets, etc. including mobie phones are NOT allowed in the Examination Hall. —
Appropriate securly arangements and vigilance Is ensured at the venue (s}.
i. They wil make themsetves fully conversant with the applications and Instructions based on prototype. of application with dummy test is ready uploaded on website and forwarded fo Circles on eariier
j. To ensure related provisions of the Postal Manual.
a. TO ensure that Candidates ae seated at igast 15 minutes before actual commencement of test.
b. Ensure that Cameras, electronic godgets, atc. including mobile phones ore NOT allowed in the Examination Hail,
c. They will make themselves fully conversant with the applications and Instructions based an Prototype of application with dummy test already uploaded on website and forwarded fo Clicles on earlier occasions.
d. Check the Candidate with details as given in the Admit Card with some ID card of the candidate.
f. Take the copy of the Candidates’ ID card. Fhe icteo is 'O Qdviate onation. , Get the ottenceance sheet signed by the candidate.
Instruct the candidates to go through the “Instuctions for the
i. Take the print out of automatic evalvoted ornswer sheat of each candidate.
j. Obtain the signature of the candidate on ihe printed copy of the Answer Sheet in the space given for ‘Signature of the Condidate.
k. Append signature in the Space given for ‘Signature of the inivigiotor
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