Best Practices while doing QR Code(PayU) Transactions at DOP (Department of Post) CSI POS Counter
Best Practices while doing QR Code Transactions at Post Office POS Counter. Steps, Procedure for best QR Code Transaction at DOP CSI POS Counter.
1. Use Phone pay for QR transaction avoid using of Google pay and other Apps.
2. Before initiate transaction, please ensure the counter allocation Number and pasted counter number PAYU sticker must be same.
3. Don’t be round the fraction of amount at the time of Payment.
4. Keep the QR in the counter (not to be Displayed) it is better to present to the customer after clicking initiate transaction.
5. Please ask to customer to scan the QR after Initiate transaction.
6. On successful payment by the customer, then immediately give Validate transaction in POS screen ( No need to wait for 100% of loading)
7. In case amount not refunded to the customer such cases may be refer to this office (DO) with following details by Email.
(a)Transaction ID (b) UTR number (c) Amount (d) Date of transaction.
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