Automatic System Generated Bag Label ( CSI SAP IPVS/POS) functionality Pilot Rollout | Download SOP for System Generated Bag Barcode Label in PDF - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Automatic System Generated Bag Label ( CSI SAP IPVS/POS) functionality Pilot Rollout | Download SOP for System Generated Bag Barcode Label in PDF


Dated: 06/09/2022

Subject: Pilot for the functionality of Generation of Redesigned Bag Label through System — reg.

Download SOP for System Generated Bag Barcode Label in PDF

At present, Department is using pre-printed bag labels for closing of Speed Post/Parcel/Registered/Unreigstered bags/Transit Bags. These pre-printed bag labels are filled up i.e. Destination office, bag weight, etc. by the staff in processing hub/Post offices at the time of closing of bags. The use of pre-printed bag label sometimes leads to various operational difficulties such as illegible bag labels, incorrect filling up of information, etc.

2. In order to overcome the difficulties faced by the field units due to the usage of pre-printed bag labels, a proposal was taken up with M/s TCS to provide a functionality to the Department in SAP IPVS/POS so that bag labels can be generated through the system which will be easily readable and carrying correct system generated information. The issue has also been flagged by both the Volunteers groups, formed as per the directions of Hon’ble MoC to identify challenges and opportunities for Parcel Operation & Business and has been identified as one of the Action Point under MoC Parcel Tracker.

3. In the 1st phase, the functionality for generating system generating bag label in SAP IPVS has been developed. UAT for the functionality has also been successfully carried out by the CEPT and the functionality is ready to be roll out in all mail offices, functioning in SAP IPVS i.e. NSH/ICH, Registered L-1/L-2, Unregistered L-1/L-2, Parcel Hub L-1/L-2, Mail Agency, TMOs. The functionality will be rolled out in Post offices and other bulk booking offices functioning in POS, in the 24 Phase.

4. A brief overview of the process for the generation & usage of the bag barcode through the new functionality is as follows:

i. Bag Close SA will select the option “Generate Barcode & Close” in Bag Close Screen in SAP IPVS.

ii. The system will generate a PDF file for the bag label to be used for the closing of bag.

iii. Bag Close SA will generate bag label through the Thermal Printer attached to the computer.

iv. Generated bag label will be appropriately affixed on the blank bag label.

v. Bag will be closed as usual by the MTS through the bag label.

4.1 A detailed SOP defining the process of generating bag barcode through the System is attached at Annexure I.

5. At present, both the options have been provided in the system for closing of bags i.e. bags can be closed through pre-printed bag barcodes or bag can be closed the system generated bag barcode. Both the options have been provided in order to ensure the smooth closing of bags, if for any reasons bag barcodes cannot be generated through the system.

6. It is proposed to carry out the pilot of the functionality at NSH, Registered L-1. Unregistered L-1, Parcel Hub L-1, Mail Agency & TMOs functioning in the cities of Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar, Ghaziabad and Pune as well as at CRC Delhi & PH Delhi before the roll out of the functionality at all India level. Besides, Pilot is also proposed to be carried out at ICH/ Registered L-2, Unregistered L-2, Parcel Hub L-2, Mail Agency & TMOs at Meerut (UP Circle) and Tumkuru (Karnataka Circle).

7. As per the data collected by the Directorate from the Circles, following number of thermal printers are available with the Circle:

8. In order to ensure the successful completion of Pilot for the functionality, Delhi, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Odisha & Uttar Pradesh Circles are requested to take following steps:

i. Circles to assess the number of thermal printers required in the Pilot cities, based on the number of systems available for bag closing in the mail offices in the selected city,

ii. Based on the requirement of thermal printers in pilot offices, Circles may take necessary action to shift the thermal printers available in other cities to Pilot city,

iii. In case of short fall, additional thermal printers may be procured from MNOP funds,

iv. Blank bag labels for the pilot may be procured from the market. Specifications of blank bag labels is attached as Annexure III.

v. Circles to procure self-adhesive paper roll or “Sticker Roll” for the Thermal printer deployed in Pilot cities. The dimension of sticker roll will be 12 cm X 7 cm with GSM of 130.

9. An online training for the familiarization of the field units in the Pilot cities with the functionality for system generated bag barcode is scheduled on 08th  September, 2022 at 11.00 hrs. The online training needs to be attended by the officials from Delhi, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Odisha & Uttar Pradesh Circle. 

The training may be attended by system manager attached with the Pilot mail offices as well as one official each from Circle office and Regional Office & Divisional office concerned.

10. The start date of Pilot for roll out of the functionality at these locations will be 12.09.2022

11. Circles are requested to furnish the information regarding number of thermal printers required in each of the pilot mail office i.e. NSH/ICH, Registered L-1/L2, Unregistered L-1/L-2, Parcel Hub L-1/L-2, Mail Agency, TMOs in the attached format (Annexure Il).

12. Circles are requested to forward the desired information in attached format by 09/09/2022 on e-mail i.d. & qmcdirectorate

(Dushyant Mudgal)

DDG (Mail Operations)

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