Theme Based Audit on Internal Controls in Department of Posts (DOP) by Comptroller and Auditor General of India(C&AG) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Theme Based Audit on Internal Controls in Department of Posts (DOP) by Comptroller and Auditor General of India(C&AG)

 F.No.18-09/2022-IA /1030-1109

Govt of India

Ministry of Communications

Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.

Dated 04.08.2022

Sub: Theme Based Audit on “Internal Controls in Department of Posts”.

Comptroller and Auditor General of India has decided to conduct theme based audit on “Internal Control in DoP” and will be conducted by the Director General of Audit (Finance &Communication) Delhi and its Branch Audit offices from August,2022 to October 2022. The main focus will be on Internal controls to be exercised by the Internal Audit Wings of Directorate. GM(PA&F), Savings Bank (Internal Check Organization) (SB (ICO)) and Savings Bank Control Organization

(SBCO) as well as selected Small Saving Schemes, Compliance to the Anti Money Laundering & Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML & CFT) norms related to operation of the Small Savings Schemes, Disbursements of Postal Pensions,

Pensions on behalf of other Departments (Railway. Telecom, Coal Mine & EPFO) and DBT of Social Security Scheme, Fraud related issues and Fraud Risk Management Unit (FRMU) alerts in the Postal Directorate, Circle Office, Regions, Divisions and Post Offices and other related issues.

2. The coverage of audit will be from the year 2017-18 to 2021-22.

3. The audit will also examine the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control mechanism in Postal Circles, Regions, Divisions, General Post Offices, Head Post Offices (HOs), Sub Post Offices (SOs), GM(PA&F), Senior Superintendent of Railway Mail Services (SSRM) including Head Record Office & Sorting Hub, Centre for Excellence in Postal Technology (CEPT), Circle Processing Centres (CPC) and FRMU Bengaluru.

4. In order to conduct the audit in a time bound and smooth manner, following officers have been nominated as Nodal officers/ Liaison Officers: ~

a DDG (Financial services).

b. General Managers(PA&F)/Director of Accounts (Postal) and DPS(Hq) at Circles.

c. Director (Internal Audit) at Directorate.

5. All concerned are instructed to extend full cooperation to the Audit teams.

All vecords requested are to be provided in accordance with extant rules. Compliance to audit memos must be given within the stipulated time to ensure smooth conduct of the audit process.

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