SOP for Conducting LDCE Exams in DOP | SOP for conducting Departmental Exams in Post Office | India Post Examination SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) 2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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SOP for Conducting LDCE Exams in DOP | SOP for conducting Departmental Exams in Post Office | India Post Examination SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) 2022

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for conducting of (LDCE) Limited Departmental Competitive Examinations/Competitive Examinations in the Department of Posts (DOP), Post Office, India Post.

Download Conducting of LDCE Exam SOP 2022 in PDF

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction - 2 

2. Background  - 2 

3. Type of Examinations - 3 

3.1 Centralized Examinations - 3 

3.2 De-centralized Examinations - 3

4. Mode of conducting the Examinations - 4

5. General Instructions - 4 

6. Examination Process - 4 

7.1 Pre-Examination Activities - 4 

7.1(a) Issuance of Notification/Submission of Applications/Withdrawal of Candidature etc.

7.1(b) Hall Permits/Admit Cards - 5 

7.1(c) Fixation of Venues/Examination Centres - 6

7.1(d) Printing of OMR Sheets - 6

7.1(e) Selection of Centre Supervisors/Observers & Controllers - 6

7.1 (f) Setting of Question Papers - 7 

7.2 Level of Question Paper setters - 8 

8(a) Paper setting for Centralized Examination - 8

8(b) Paper setting for De-centralized Examination - 8

9. Actual conduct of Examinations - 9

10. Instructions for Centre Supervisors/Invigilators 9-14

11. (i) -(x) Post Examinations activities - 14-16

12. Persons with Bench Mark Disabilities - 16

13.Control room - 16

14.Publication of Provisional Answer Keys - 17

15.Moderation Committee - 17

16. High Level Committee - 18

17. Deletion of Questions & Award of Marks - 18

18 (i)- (xxi). Evaluation of Answer sheets - 18-21

19. Preparation/Declaration of Results - 21

20. Provisional Candidature - 21-22

21. Preservation of Result - 22

22. Preservation of Result Sheets-22

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for conducting of Limited Departmental Competitive Examinations/Competitive Examinations in the Department of Posts

1. Introduction

Department of Posts (DoP) over a period of 160 years played a vital role in the field of communication, social and economic development of the country. Department is dedicated to provide the best service and great solutions for its customers in Delivery of Mails, Small Savings Schemes, life insurance coverage and various other Premium services and retail products. To ensure the quality in service,right man in the right place is very crucial. In order to ensure the quality in selection of suitable hands as well as to ensure growth in career to its employee’s promotional examinations are conducted regularly by the Department.

Career progression is the process of climbing the ladder during the professional life cycle of an employee. It can be either through seniority promotions or through Departmental Examinations. Moving forward, being promoted, finding new challenges and new opportunities are always enchanting and enterprising. Satisfied internal customer is equally important like a satisfied external customer of the Department for the growth of the organization.

The Department is committed to provide all opportunities and avenues for career progression to its internal customers or the employees at different levels and to make them a satisfied lot for their career developmentand personal well being as well as the growth of the Department through a win-win mode.

The career growth trajectory available before an aspiring employee in the Department of Post to scale up in the rungseven from the level of a GDS to a Class I officer is amazing.

2. Background

Department is regularly conducting various Departmental examinations as per the Calendar of Examinations every year as brought out by the Directorate for the promotion of its employees.

Nevertheless, the process or procedure adopted by different Circles in conducting the Departmental Examinations may differ and sometimes create confusion among the candidates as well as Circles.

With an objective to streamline the process of conducting various departmental examinations and to ensure uniformity in the procedure adopted by different Circles in conducting the Departmental Examinations, a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is envisaged by the Department to be followed scrupulously by all concerned.

This SOP is intended to facilitate the department hassle free to deal with the frequent issues faced at differentlevels of examination and stages of workflow during the process of examination, right from the setting of question papers to the announcement of result.

NB:- While following this SOP, it should be ensured that the instructions prescribed in the Appendix 37 of Postal Manual Vol. IV should also be followed mutatis mutandis.

3.Type of Examinations

1. Centralized Examinations

2. Decentralized Examinations

At present, for filling up of the different categories of vacant posts through departmental examinations, two types of examinations i.e. Centralized Examinations and Decentralized Examinations are being conducted.

3.1 Centralized examinations:

Centralized examinations are those Limited Departmental Competitive Examinations (LDCEs), which are conducted at the Directorate level:-

(1). Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of PS Group ‘B’,

(ii). Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Inspector Posts (66.66% Quota),

3.2 Decentralized examinations:

The examinations which are conducted by the Circles :-

(i) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants in Postal Divisions/Units (including Postal Stores Depot), RMS and MMS from Postman/Mail Guard, Dispatch rider and MTS.

(ii) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants from eligible officials working in C.O/R.O (including RLO), Foreign Post.

(iii) Competitive Examination for recruitment to the cadre of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants for unfilled vacancies of (i) & (ii) above from eligible GDS.

(iv) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Postman and Mail Guard from MTS and Competitive Examination for recruitment to the unfilled vacancies of Postman and Mail Guard, limited to GDS

(V) PO & RMS Accountant Examination.

(vi) Competitive Examination for recruitment to the cadre of MTS limited to GDS.

(vii) Examination for filling up of Drivers in Department.

(viii) Examination for filling up of the post of skilled artisans (MMS).

4.Mode of Conducting the Examinations: Limited Departmental Competitive Examinations (LDCEs)/Competitive Examinations (both Centralized and Decentralized) should be conducted in-house with the available resources.

5. General Instructions:

All Circles should conduct the Centralized and Decentralized Examinations as per the Calendar of Examinations issued by the Directorate every year. Prior approval of the Directorate should be obtained for any deviation in the dates of Examination.

6. Examination Process:

(1) Pre-Examination Activities

(2) Conduct of Examination

(3) Post Examination Activities.

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