Shri Ajay Kumar Roy, (IPoS-1991), CGM, Parcel, Directorate will hold the additional charge of CGM, PLI Directorate with effect from 01.09.2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Shri Ajay Kumar Roy, (IPoS-1991), CGM, Parcel, Directorate will hold the additional charge of CGM, PLI Directorate with effect from 01.09.2022

 No. 1-4/2022-SPG-I

Government of India

Ministry of Communications

Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,

New Delhi-110 001

Dated: 30.08.2022


Consequent upon retirement of Ms. Anju Nigam (IPoS:1988), CGM, PLI on superannuation from Government Service on 31.08.2022, orders of the Competent Authority are hereby conveyed that Shri Ajay Kumar Roy, (IPoS:1991), CGM, Parcel, Directorate will hold the additional charge of CGM, PLI Directorate with effect from 01.09.2022 in addition to his own duties and without any extra remuneration and until further orders.

2. Orders of Competent Authority are also conveyed that consequent upon retirement of Shri Shailendra Dashora (IPoS:1989), CPMG Rajasthan Circle on superannuation from Government Service on 31.08.2022, Ms. Manju Kumar, (IPoS:1989), CPMG, Delhi Circle will hold the additional charge of CPMG Rajasthan Circle with effect from 01.09.2022 in addition to her own duties and without any extra remuneration and until further orders.

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