Revised Rules in Procurement of PLI Policies by APS (Defence Personnel) in Civil Post Offices | Revision of procedure prescribed in appendix of POLI Rules 2011
F.No.25-05/2020-LI (Pt)
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Directorate of Postal Life Insurance),
Chanakyapuri P.O. Complex,
New Delhi-110021
Dated: 02.08.2022
Sub: Revision of procedure prescribed in appendix of Post Office Life Insurance Rules, 2011.
On discontinuation of insurance service and closure of PLI Section in APS, procurement of new PLI Policies pertaining to Defence Personnel was stopped w.e.f September 2017. Subsequently, policy servicing was also stopped in APS and all casefiles maintained by them were transferred to 36 civil CPCs in various Circles.
2. In view of the above, the procedure laid down for procurement of PLI Policies exclusively by APS prescribed in appendix part of Post Office Life Insurance Rules, 2011, has been revised accordingly for procurement of PLI policies by Defence Personnel through Civil Post Offices and its servicing thereof,
3. In this regard, a copy of the Gazette of India notification issued vide file no. 25-05/2020-LI (Pt) dated 15.07.2022 is attached along with following documents for easy understanding: -
a. A “CONSENT FORM” to be filled in by Defence Services Personnel who desire to pay their PLI renewal premium through Pay recovery Mode. (Annexure-I)
b. Instructions for PLI-CPCs and DDOs/PAO briefing them about the necessary steps/procedures to be followed for correctly recovering the premium, handling of case files by CPCs etc., bifureation of GST ete. along with an illustration. (Annexure-II)
c. A list of Defence PAOs along with the name of their respective mapped CPCs, for ease/facilitation of CPC Staff. (Annexure-III)
4. This information along with all the attached documents may be widely disseminated among all CPCs, Counter Staffs, sales forces for wide publicity and for adhering to the revised procedure and instructions.
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