Review of Revised Syllabus of LDCE PS Group B | Review of syllabus for promotion to PS Group B cadre
No. 9-40/2021-SPG-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi — 110 001.
Dated :18th August 2022
Subject :- Review of syllabus for promotion to PS Group ‘B’ cadre — Regarding.
Download Revised Syllabus of PS Group B in PDF
Please refer to Personnel Division's letter of even No. dated 16.03.2022 (copy enclosed) on the above mentioned subject enclosing therewith a copy of letter No. A-34018/30/2021-DE dated 13.10.2021 received from DE Branch along with a copy of notesheet (13/N) containing orders of the Director General (Posts Services) in c/w the subject.
2. In this context, it is stated that the syllabus for LDCE for promotion to the cadre of PS Group ‘B’ had been revised and circulated vide letter No. 9-04/2018-SPG-II dated 30.12.2019 and 05.09.2019. Since then, there have been certain amendments in the reference books, schemes and procedures followed in Department of Posts. Accordingly, the aforesaid syllabus of PS Group ‘B’ is proposed to be amended.
3. Therefore, it is again requested to provide your inputs or comments in respect of those part of the syllabus with which your Division is concerned regarding any modifications/additions/deletions etc. that may have been done or are underprocess and communicate the same to SPG Branch for further action. If the Division has no inputs or comments in respect of those part of the syllabus with which it is concerned, a NIL report may be furnished by 18.08.2022 positively. If no report is received from the Divisions by 18.08.2022, it will be deemed that the Division concerned has no comments/inputs to offer and the draft syllabus for LDCE for promotion to PS Group B will be submitted to the Competent Authority for approval.
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