PS Group B DPC for promotion to Junior Time Scale (JTS) of Indian Postal Service (IPoS) Group A - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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PS Group B DPC for promotion to Junior Time Scale (JTS) of Indian Postal Service (IPoS) Group A

 D.O. No 4-5/2019-SPG

Dated: 11th August, 2022

This is regarding holding of DPC for promotion to Junior Time Scale (JTS) of Indian Postal Service (IPoS), Group ‘A’.

Download PSS Group B DPC in PDF

2. For this purpose, APARs of PS Group ‘B’ officers and vigilance status, penalty statement alongwith other requisite information was called for vide letters of even number dated 28.06.2022 and 26.07.2022 respectively (Copy enclosed). However, the requisite information pertaining to your Circle is still awaited. In view of non-availability of these documents, Department is unable to convene JTS DPC. It is presumed that the necessary action would have been initiated in the Circle.

3. In view of urgency in the matter, I would seek your personal attention to ensure that the requisite documents/information are sent to Directorate at the earliest.

No. 4-5/2019-SPG

Government of India

Ministry of Communications

Department of Posts

(Personnel Division)


Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,

New Delhi-110001

Dated: 28.06.2022

Subject: Furnishing of APARs of PS, Group ‘B’ Officers - regarding.


I am directed to refer aforesaid subject and to enclose herewith a list of PS, Group ‘B’ officers mentioning the requirement of their ACR/APAR dossier complete in all aspects incorporating No Report/Review Certificate), Original APARs, No Report Certificate (NRC) and No Review Certificate. In case of officers where NRC is placed for APARs, then previous years’ completed ACRs may be included in the dossier with a view to ensure that at least ten complete APARs/ACRs are available.

2: In view of above, it is requested to send the requisite documents within a week of receipt of this letter.

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