Proposed India Postal Strike on 10th August 2022 by PJCA (NFPE & FNPO) will be postphoned in view of Har Ghar Tiranga and AKAM(Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav)
No. — ND.8(06)/2022-PAYC Dated: - 09.08.2022
Sub:- Notice for strike served by Postal Joint Council of Action (PJCA) proposing to go on one day nationwide strike on 10.08.2022 to press their demands — regd.
Rep. of union and rep. of management of Department of Post are present as per attendance sheet.
The conciliation officer came to know through a news item appeared in local newspaper with the title ‘Strike by Postal Department Employees’ on 10.08.2022, immediately the efforts was made to ascertain the details of the proposed strike and on ascertain it is informed by the Management of Postal Department that a notice dated 18.07.2022 was served by Postal Joint Council of Action (PJCA) (Comprising and NFPE/ FNPO & their GDS Union) addressed to
The Secretary, Department of Posts and The Director General, Department of Post, New Delhi. A similar notice was also served by The General Secretary, All India Saving Bank Control Employees Union (AISBCEU).
The dispute seized into conciliation and notice dated 09.08.2022 was issued to the management of Department of Posts, Federations (FNPO). NFPE & AISBCEU etc. fixed conciliation proceeding on 09.08.2022 at 1530 Hours, both the parties are present and held conciliation proceeding.
The rep. of management submitted that on receipt of the notice bilateral meeting was held on 05.08.2022 which was attended by rep. of NFPE, FNPO, AISBCEU & senior officials including Secretary & Director General of Postal Services. A detailed minutes was drawn and circulated on 08.08.2022. The Director General Postal Services informed that in the morning of the 05.08.2022 the Hon'ble Minister addressed all the Heads of Circles of the Department through Video Conference. The Hon'ble MoC assured that there was no proposal for corporatization of the Department of Post. This was welcomed by all.
The rep. of Federation of National Postal Organization (FNPO) submitted that in view of the assurance given by Hon’ble Minister of Communication, the FNPO has decided to defer the proposed strike on 10.08.2022.
The Conciliation Officer and Dy. CLC (C), New Delhi contacted Sh. Bharat B Sharma, General Secretary, All India Saving Bank Control Employees Union (AISBCEU) over mobile (No. — 9413453844) and requested him to attend the conciliation proceeding. The General Secretary informed that he is out of Delhi HQ, however, their federation has decided to defer the proposed one day strike on 10.08.2022.
The Conciliation Officer and Dy. CLC (C), New Delhi contacted Sh. Janardan Majumdar, Secretary General, National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) over mobile (No. — 9433459963) and requested him to attend the conciliation proceeding. The Secretary General informed that he is unable to attend proceeding therefore Sh. RN Parashar, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers will attend conciliation proceeding on behalf of NFPE. ‘
Sh. RN Parashar, Secretary General stated that the NFPE is federation of 8 unions working in the Postal Department and mostly General Secretary’s of affiliated union are out of Delhi HQ, so a virtual meeting will be held today evening and appeal of the Conciliation Officer and Dy. CLC (C), New Delhi to defer the proposed strike on 10.08.2022 will be considered positively.
The rep. of Department of Posts appealed that in view of the on going Har Ghar Tiranga Drive (Sale & Distribution of National Flag) as part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav being undertaken by the Post Offices all over the country as well as Rakhi Festival, the proposed strike should be deferred to continue the postal services uninterrupted.
The Conciliation Officer and Dy. CLC (C), New Delhi appealed to the rep. of NFPE to defer the proposed strike.
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